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School Didactic Poems

These School Didactic poems are examples of Didactic poems about School. These are the best examples of Didactic School poems written by international poets.

What will the twins think of Harvey
The twins will soon be here, 
And Harvey will have two more cousins,
That much is clear,
But what will they make of Harvey,
When he comes to...

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Categories: appreciation, baby, baptism, bible,

Premium Member An ocean of light
All that is, is trinity in three aspects 
Immanent as identity, with our without form
Both immanent and transcendent as the light of Self
Transcendent as the...

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Categories: spiritual,

Premium Member Leave No One Behind
Pigmented leather, indeed, make sure it is clean of belongings,
especially bodies with clothes. Search overhead and underneath
for the precious tots. Leave no one behind. Search...

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Categories: children, school,

Strictly for the Teachers hiding behind the principal
Wake up teachers
You cannot hide forever
School should not be a cultural battle among teachers
Religion should not be used to rattle our aim!
New and Older teachers...

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© Mark Frank  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: education,

Premium Member Obituary

I recognized the name immediately
but not the face blurred by age: 

the  man I went to school with 
as a boy dead at sixty-five.


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Categories: obituary,

School Weighty Limitations
School doesn't teach you
How to sell a product or service

School doesn't teach you
How to think creatively and productively

School doesn't teach you
How to negotiate in business...

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Categories: 1st grade, education, graduation,

Understanding Vested Interest
My vested interest is in keeping communities intact
My vested interest is in keeping some spaces green,
My vested interest is in keeping the fraudsters away,
My vested...

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Categories: baptism, best friend, books,

Apologize, Repent, Or Humanize
When mistakes (sins, really) occur
Again, again, again, again, again
Who has grace enough to forbear?
Maybe misguided mothers, not men
Like me ... Either old school or clear

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: bible, character, future, humanity,

Premium Member Decapitated
The children were pulverized, decapitated,
Their flesh was ripped apart.
This is the land of the free,
And the home of the brave.
Good guys with guns waited an...

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Categories: america, children, grief, horror,

Premium Member Before There Were Rainbows
Before there were rainbows, I roamed ambidextrously,
I streeled out into predawn air, senseless between Moon and Mars,
Reeling under Calvinistic cinder blocks, I hid from my...

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Categories: america, anxiety, freedom, metaphor,

When my Mother died, 
There was no state funeral,
No tear felt announcement,
She was not deemed documentary material,
And no one saw money making opportunities,
Because of her...

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Categories: age, appreciation, beauty, care,

Premium Member Outlaws
The best artists are outlaws
Vandalizing our sanctity,
Our sanctimonious freight trains,
Our parsimonious neglect.

The best artists are culprits
Chiseling our school desks,
Scraping our bathroom stalls,
Doodling our notebooks.

Graffiti spray...

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Categories: allusion, art, bible, extended

Premium Member We Children of All Races
“Jesus loves the little children 
All the children of the world:
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in God’s sight…
Jesus loves the little children...

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Categories: appreciation, blessing, children, christian,

A Letter To the Class Bully
Dear Student
I have made it a task
to motion my thoughts
and my fingers to type.
Striking at every letter
that could carve words in your mind
As I hope...

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Categories: friendship, high school, love,

On the Red Carpet and Beyond
On the Red Carpet and Beyond

They want a red carpet theme for their school leavers' ball. This is my didactic rendering.

Today you are stars and...

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Categories: 12th grade, graduation, happiness,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things