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Rhyme Class Poems

These Rhyme Class poems are examples of Class poems about Rhyme. These are the best examples of Class Rhyme poems written by international poets.


I went through my clothes the other day
Yes, some are well-worn, others quite new
They represent styles from both extremes
Living, or once lived, a varied life...

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Categories: character, city, class,

The Final Mosaics Class
I watched the projects taking shape,
All varied in design – 
A tree, a flower, a giraffe,
All different from mine.

One displayed a pot of blooms,
Another one...

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Categories: class, appreciation, art,

Mosaics Class - Day 2
Day 2 in my mosaics class,
I started to improve,
For once I had a subject,
I could get into the groove.

I sketched an owl like Flaco,
Who was...

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Categories: class, art, me,

Mosaics Class
I am not artistic, but
I signed up for a class
To learn to make mosaics
Out of little bits of glass.

We studied some examples
From a long-past ancient...

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Categories: class, art,

Outdoor Classroom
Jump, thump, six graders jump
from stone to pebbly stone.
Chirp chirp the robin flies
Across the sky alone.
Crunch chunch the graveled feet,
Sh. . . shoo, a breathy...

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Categories: class, education, imagery, school,

Premium Member spin class will be fun
Spin class will be fun my neighbor Veronica said.
I loved the idea, thinking spin wheels in my head.
Maybe I’d make a kite, or a top...

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Categories: class, sports,

Premium Member Working Class Slaves
I walk these many streets

I walk this path of stone

I hunger for a life

That I can call my own

I'm a slave to my job

I'm a...

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Categories: class, work,

In quilting class, we’re making balls;
We cut and sew and stuff
And stitch and stuff some more until
The ball is firm enough.

The pieces start as pentagons

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Categories: class,

Premium Member Water aid
Forty years are well enrolled, through diggjng dirt i say.'
In Bangladesh and nepal; Afganistan, Bombay.'
Many water wells there are' And yet' so filthy too.?
Its is...

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Categories: allusion, class, literature,

Premium Member Winner of Anthology
Although I have not won the prize of money, The Fame will keep me close. Even if the Fame be little above all I can...

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Categories: blessing, celebration, class, culture,

The headline read: “Low deposits and fair repayments!”
The offer of a lifetime, the promise of a lifeline for you and those you love.
But “deposits” aren’t...

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Categories: class,

Premium Member The Essence of Teaching
Teach them how to discern and learn,
Don’t leave them helpless to crash and burn.
Teaching them just content, they learn it your way.
Teach them the process...

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: class, education, encouraging, leadership,


These are poems about AI (Art-ificial Intelligence) and poems about science.

The AI Poets
by Michael R. Burch

The computer-poets stand hushed
except for the faint hum
of their...

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Categories: class, confusion, education, farm,

Our Dilemma
Republicans are red, Democrats are blue.
Neither one gives a  about you..

They are just names, that they feed to the masses..
To keep us fighting on...

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Categories: class, political,

Better Again
Better again

On get quote this 
Stopped wi the wrangles 
Complex focus 
Offering angles 
Left with the hurt 
Top wi the spin
An ethic of work
Offer a...

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Categories: class, inspiration,

Book: Shattered Sighs