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Goodbye Boyfriend Poems

These Goodbye Boyfriend poems are examples of Boyfriend poems about Goodbye. These are the best examples of Boyfriend Goodbye poems written by international poets.

Like flowers in bloom
Our love died soon.


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Categories: boyfriend, break up, cry,

What we were
An impulsive heart beat
falling off cliffs of love
looking eye to eye
and holding tight
every night
scattered piece of me
broken into three
and goodbye...

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Categories: allusion, anger, boyfriend,

Breaking up is hard to do
You broke my heart and walked out of my life, 
I didn’t know loving you would come with a price. 
Now your gone and I...

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Categories: boyfriend, break up, confusion,

Premium Member it's simple
I don’t know, I don’t care,
if you’re going to the party
or you won’t be there

I don’t give you a thought
you’re not on my mind
and if...

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Categories: betrayal, boyfriend, break up,

Edward is a Mad House and a Monster of a Lover
Edward is a mad house 
And a monster of a lover.

The past is a grotesque animal
But you are not 

Blue, gray or any other shade.

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Categories: anger, angst, boy, boyfriend,

My sadness is in the slumping of your shoulders
And your resignation is in the bowing of my head
Regret pours from your listless palms
Set open on...

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Categories: angst, betrayal, boyfriend, conflict,

Premium Member Lee

This one is going to hurt.
That is why it has taken me so long to write it,
Because a part of me still loves you and...

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Categories: angst, boyfriend, break up,

Premium Member fly away
Peter had to fly,
was that just last night?
I have attachment issues.
I hate saying goodbye
- it always makes me cry
an embarrassing tear or two.

Holidays go so...

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Categories: boyfriend, humor, parents, paris,

Boy With the Curly Hair
Once again
my partner didn’t do their part
In science lab
I was alone again 
But you took his place
You were smart
You were handsome
You got me the “A”

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Categories: anxiety, betrayal, boyfriend,

Last Days of Summer
Feet in the sand, do you feel free?
Breathe in the sunlight
Sky blending in the sea
Skin glowing bright

Make memories, they say
Let them bring you back
You'll see...

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Categories: august, beach, boyfriend, emotions,

Premium Member Choices

The choices we  make
for ourselves, 
often if nearly always
effect others. 

The milkman is late, 
breakfast is later, 
the kids are 
barely going to make...

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: boyfriend, angel, break up, crush,

Two Were Once One
I've known you now for forty years, and yet
you seem to lack familiarity.
I used to smile, dance a foxtrot with you -
and trip with joy...

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Categories: boyfriend, break up, first

Premium Member Proverbial Love
I heard them say~love is blind,                   ...

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Categories: boyfriend, crazy, together, wind,

Guardian Angel
Today my heart is hurting
As tomorrow you wont be there.
I didnt know you were going 
Or i would have been there to care.

I hope you...

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Categories: boyfriend, absence, anxiety, beautiful, blessing,

Traumatized By His Demise
Traumatized by his demise. And the  he put me thru, damn it's really true. 
I am no longer me I'm someone I choose not...

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Categories: abuse, anger, boyfriend, emotions,

Book: Shattered Sighs