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Forever Best Friend Poems

These Forever Best Friend poems are examples of Best Friend poems about Forever. These are the best examples of Best Friend Forever poems written by international poets.

My mother my everything so rare
Like a diamond blooming with pure love
Not to be compared to or bargained for
A very precious and priceless gem
My life...

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Categories: best friend, blessing, dedication,

Faces of The Universe
Faces of the universe, why do you look so sad, faces of the universe I want you to feel glad. Faces of the universe your...

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Categories: absence, adventure, best friend,

Child hood memories
Care free days of youth, so pure and bright
Laughter echoes, a joyful sight
Chasing each other, playing hide and seek with friends and cousins, playing outside...

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Categories: best friend, 12th grade, africa, best

Scarred together
We me through a friend, a chance encounter true
But little did we know, our bond will shine right through
We shared the same demons,the same painful...

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Categories: best friend, addiction, allusion, anger, anxiety,

I Want To Marry You
I want to marry you
because I'm so in love with you
and I want to set you my Husband
Forever in my life
because I want to spend...

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Categories: best friend, blessing, deep,

A love so pure and unconditional

Is the love of my sister

Marvelous by name, to be precise

11TH JUNE in the early 90's

On this day many years...

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Categories: beauty, best friend, celebration,

Premium Member Against the wind

Soldiers fight for their country,
they try to protect millions of people.
Again, nowadays slaves for no reason shooting enemies or brothers in the darkness.
They feel like...

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Categories: allegory, allusion, best friend,

Premium Member Letter to a best friend
My lost friend for years,
I spent many days trying to find you.
I don't even know when we lost our communication,
but it happened. Perhaps we were...

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Categories: allusion, best friend, blessing,

Premium Member Stormy

The first time we met 
Was the day I knew you were the one to get
My first Jack Russell Parson Terrier 
Was coming home without...

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Categories: animal, best friend, dog,

Forever After Meeting
The moment I laid eyes on you,
I knew I finally found God's perfection.
All the beauty He crafted and sculptured,
Created you without any correction.

I wonder if...

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Categories: beautiful, best friend, blessing,

Giving up on Love
Giving up on Love
In the depths of love's betrayal, I found myself adrift upon a sea of tears. Each wave brought me closer to my...

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Categories: beautiful, beauty, best friend,

canvas foot wear
The canvas shoes in Kinshasa

Once when the time was right
A sweet girl had her picture taken
because she was seven years old
and in her mind, almost...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: best friend, addiction, allah, america, best

Premium Member My Dear Fellow
I am happy for you dear fellow!
My teary eyes are glistening 
My dear fellow, the large tides have turned
Into a Tsunami wave of God’s blessings

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Categories: appreciation, best friend, community,

My Pal Dan
Sat writing this, in memory of my pal Danny K
Just a few pints and a couple packets crisps, is what we used to say
I just...

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Categories: bereavement, best friend, death

 There’s this girl
Nothing less than the world
My heart sinks and wants to be hurled
Remind me of her name
I’m the one to blame
I wish I...

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Categories: best friend, 12th grade, august, best

Book: Reflection on the Important Things