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Love Atheist Poems

These Love Atheist poems are examples of Atheist poems about Love. These are the best examples of Atheist Love poems written by international poets.

Why-Dominique Smith
Why is a word that can cause an argument. Why do I get stuck in the my head? Why do I have labels on my...

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Categories: abuse, anxiety, atheist, dark,

A Letter to God from a Sapphic Atheist
Dear God,
She's phenomenal.
She makes me feel 
She makes me feel
God, I love her. 
But why,
Why did you make me
Nothing but a girl.
I love you, 

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© Oliver Chu  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: atheist, bible, discrimination, i love


grave request
by michael r. burch

come to ur doom
in Tombstone;

the stars stark and chill
over Boot Hill

care nothing for ur desire;


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Categories: angel, atheist, christian, humanity,

What God?
So many people on social media and in my life continuely tell me Jesus and God God and Jesus,  they'll always love you if...

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Categories: angel, anger, anxiety, atheist,

My Mother Passing
Oh, why now? I had prayed for three more years,
Man lived, then we all die, and our resting is decided by a mortal,
Should it be...

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Categories: atheist, addiction, allusion, anxiety, appreciation,

A Walk down the Tunnel
“Darkness does embalm;
All things, getting calm,
Produce an eerie feeling;
Can it serve with a healing?”

“Aye, aye, sure, sure!
Such feelings do us lure,
To approach its end.”
“Can we...

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Categories: allegory, atheist, conflict, endurance,


I opened a door in the Universe 
and found myself in the gallery 
of public opinion. 
A serious debate was taking place
over Freedoms
and God given...

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Categories: america, atheist, crazy, freedom,

My hypothalamus is haunting me.

An empty crib.

A bump that will never grow.

Love authenticity, you will always be a part of me.
A ghost in the hallways.


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Categories: angel, atheist, bereavement, birth,


In the stillness of the night, I find solace, 
As darkness descends, a melancholy embrace. 
The moon, a lonely sentinel in the...

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Categories: atheist, beauty,

Separation from the sinful world
God's word is clear, a call to segregate
From the world's wicked ways, to separate
Not to befriend the darkness, nor to condone
The sins that shame the...

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Categories: atheist, gospel, hope,

Various Heresies 11
Various Heresies 11

The beauty of the flower fades,
its petals wither to charades...
—Michael R. Burch

the U-turn poem
by michael r. burch

Life so defaulty,
Life so unfair,
why do wee...

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Categories: allah, america, atheist, bible,

Poetry of Strong Hearted
Hey my dear friend, please
don't give up, don't give in 
Everything will be fine,
Are you afraid of calamity ? 
Recognise, analyse and realise 
the actuality,...

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© Dipa Pegu  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: adventure, appreciation, atheist, beautiful,

The Darkness of the Night
In the darkness of the night, in so deep
The angry voices, secrets I have to keep
Shadows dancing 'neath the wood door
For a child of four,...

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Categories: anxiety, atheist, child abuse,

Bad Timing
Bad timing

When the day has been hot and long, when a letter tells me I have to put the car in for its yearly inspection...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: age, anxiety, atheist, bangla,

Burning Devotion
The rows and pews, the uproar of pain
Saint's can't tame
Hold your hands,
pray for the one up above-- confess your sins before the statue
The symbol of...

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Categories: angel, atheist, corruption, devotion,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things