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Trip the Ego Forensic

Delicious, you gave back that which I counted lost, wishes granted, believing I could never feel again sweet union with fair feminine humanity, hold something more than raven squalid pain. Astounded, within I shed trembling blissful tears, founded inner choirs of heroine worship, tendered homage to scented altars of your white angel flesh, staggered blind, your sun-burst persona broke through. Stopped, abruptly tripped the ego forensic course, dropped and fell, the sudden implacable steel of your words, their resentful design hooked my stance flightless into the pensive chasms' open jaw. Unfair, I became so much a thoughtless obstacle, bear my cross of preventative medicine, penitent, against your freedom, your deserved chance of future raptures; some idiot crazy encumbrance, antecedent of dissent. Seems I got it wrong, sorry, a burden unrealised; dreams you merit I could not bear to cause to end, for if you care about someone you should want them to be happy, isn't that what it's all about, my glorious, beautiful friend?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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