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There Is a Heaven To Gain and a Hell To Shun

The Scriptures teach that there is a Heaven to gain and a Hell to shun ! We Preachers need to pass the Word, for there are far too Many which have never heard. The world mocks and says "all my friends shall be there", The Lord says that there shall be "no parties for them to share". The rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus, The Lord sent Jesus the best He had for us. Today we think that "the rich man and the wealthy" are truly blest, The Bible teaches that for all eternity without Jesus they will have no rest... The beggar Lazarus did not enter Heaven because he ate crumbs and dogs licked his soars nor because in this life he did suffer, He entered paradise because he believed by faith what Moses and the Prophets had offered ! Miracles cannot save nor people rising from the dead will change the hearts of men, It is the preaching of God's Word for faith in them to be heard the Spirit to convince them. The heat truly is extreme, dark as sackcloth shall be the sight, Mankind shall scream: No rest for them, their names forgotten, teeth shall they gnash, no room for them to even dream... Will you use your "wealth and lend us your health", To get the message out for now is the time to "SHOUT" ! God save us all and give us all angels wings: Help us to bring plenty of persons with us to those gates of pearl, For we know that Thou doth Love this World ! So Preachers preach and Teachers teach: For there are many that if they were to die shall receive eternal pain... For they were never told the message to God RUN ! Because there is a Heaven to gain and a Hell to SHUN ! (You never know it could be your family, friends or loved ones, if only we had shared) by William Tell - (based on Luke 16:19-31)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2006

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Book: Shattered Sighs