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The Persistent Faun

I heard it from a woodland fairy That whispered it so sweet and airy A silly tale about a faun That hides himself from early dawn Until the time twilight appears And takes away all his fears So he may scurry in the night In a flurry left and right Picking the berries that he deems Appropriate for the fairy queen For he loves the queen of the fairies Which is why the fruit he carries Is handled with the softest hands As he travels across the land To reach the queen by early dawn The time when he begins to yawn “I must reach the queen” You’ll hear his pleas But the sunrise burns, so he must flee Far back into the darkest wood Back to his stump where he once stood On the evening of the night before Thinking that he’ll try once more But everyday he fails the same Running from the burning flame Of the sun at early dawn He’s such a persistent little faun.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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