The Joys of Online Dating
Reading captions besides smiling lips.
Reveiwing lifesyles and basics.
Choosing in a moment or over quiet deliberation whether
to reply to a flirtatious glance.
Finding, more and more, that I have little experience at this game.
In its ruless, non-conformist, strange land.
Where one easily becomes prey to wolves and vultures.
Some introducations drip of the bitter venom;
Others no etiquette with little skills of we social animals.
Regardless, we all call out seeking some one to fill the void prior relations left.
Some were a literal " Yikes!"
Their manner seemed afraid that smiling
would either break the camera or their face.
Others were the hearldings of wounds previous relationships had inflicted,
leaving them open to fester, ooze, and putrify.
I do not wish to be the antibiotic they need;
a Florence Nightingale they want to tend and bangage these sores.
Others have no interests save the industry paying for this lot of cyberspace.
Fairly boring not much to say.
I would not be able to carry on a conversation beyond pleasentries and introductions.
Though I do not understand if it is me or them at fault
More to the point when I allow myself to be taken by the hand by another touched on theneck by a gentle hand A kiss so soft so warm melting the icy armor,
coolness of my demenor.
Diva gladly abdicates her throne.
Needy for a touch of a lover, consistant and sincere.
More cautiously do I proceed; not to let anyone, just anyone, in marring up my house.
Too many years I have tucked away
these true feelings boiling deep with in me.
So very few in the world can hold a candle to my expectations.
For the moment diva will keep her crown.
Copyright © Amanda Simcox | Year Posted 2005
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