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The Gathering Storms Against America Part Two

Part one was: "Unofficial War Games in Venezuela" And Part two is: "Gathering Storms against America," both quotations come from Erick Stakelbeck, The Watch Man on the Wall. Under President Theodore Roosevelt, the United States built the Panama canal, but Red China now has control over it. Both Russia and Red China are busy buying up property in the USA but now people are beginning to wake up. We should not allow enemy nations the freedom to buy up American property. They want the Chinese currency to replace the United States dollar and chances are they will be successful in doing so! Red China is our deadliest adversary and the world's deadliest adversary as well! They are combining brute force with building up nations' infrastructure and commerce to gain the global dominance they now control. They wanted to surpass the United States military in Naval vessels and they have done so for example. When and not if China does invade Taiwan will the combined forces of: The United States, Australia and New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan be strong enough to contain them? They are strongly considering forming a South Pacific Treaty Organization patterned after NATO! Red China is gaining an advantage in the Solomon Islands of the South Pacific the exact same way they did in South America and Central America. They are after much more than supplanting United States dominance in the South China seas. They want complete global dominance mark my words and read my lips! Because of economic problems, the Nation of India is trading with Russia. And Chinese currency is flooding into their country as nations are replacing our dollar with their currency! Much to their very own determent in the long term and in the final analysis! Those rouge Communist and Muslim Eastern and Middle Eastern nations regard the western nations as their enemies that must be destroyed. According to Erick Stakelbeck. North Korea is developing inter Continental missiles slated for the United States of America and also Iran is also. Iran is developing its drone warfare muscle and plans on using it against both the United States and Israel. Russia and Red China already have missiles able to reach the USA. Terrorists are targeting the Moderate Sunni Arab nations belonging to the Abraham Accord speared by former US President Donald Trump. They are also attacking Saudi Arabia! Saudi Arabia has yet to join the nations belonging to the Abraham Accords! Roxanne Lea Dubarry 07/13/22

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 7/13/2022 3:53:00 PM
Roxanne, you go girl. Great narrative.Howard
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