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Snow Day Memories

Do you remember the thrill of excitement you felt when waking up and finding out it was a snow day? You were impatient for breakfast to be over, so that you could gear up in your snow suit & head outside to play in the wondrous winter wonderland. All of the neighborhood kids would be out and there would be a terrific snowball fight (with snowballs flying from one side of the street to the other), sledding down the local hill, making snow forts and snow angels. Sometimes you would end up in a competition with other neighborhood kids to see who could build the coolest snowman. After a couple of hours being outdoors in the frigid cold, you would be feeling the cold right through your many layers of clothing & felt tuckered out from playing in the snow. Then it would be time to head indoors: for a hot bath, some cozy pajamas and lunch. Your snowsuit and mittens would be hanging up to dry somewhere in the kitchen. You couldn’t wait for a nice cup of hot cocoa, after your bath. Lunch would be a snow day tradition of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. After lunch, you would get all snuggled up on the couch to watch a movie or read. Then, you might play board games with your siblings / friends before suppertime. All the while, watching the snowflakes fall silently down outside the window.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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