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Scientific Names Or Tongue Twisters

Thought you are good at tongue twisters? Take any six words from down and repeat 10 times Pronounciation should be correct! Camelus dromedarius Loxodonta Diomedeidae Alpaca Vicugna pacos Elephas maximus Chiroptera Boiga irregularis Capra aegagrus hircus Ursidae Helarctos malayanus cervicapra Rattus rattus Bubalus bubalis These are scientific names of common animals. There are scientific names for plants, insects, flowers, fruits, vegetables... List is endless My full sympathies to all children who have to memorize them!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/24/2021 3:25:00 PM
Ha, ha! and Wow! Congratulations, Rama, on your first place finish. What a collection of tongue-twisters you've assembled here! ~ Tied up in knots! :) gw
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Balasubramanian Avatar
Rama Balasubramanian
Date: 1/25/2021 7:26:00 AM
Thanks Gerson. I had difficulty pronouncing them!
Date: 1/22/2021 1:20:00 PM
wow! Congrats on your top win!! Clever poem!
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Balasubramanian Avatar
Rama Balasubramanian
Date: 1/22/2021 7:28:00 PM
Thanks and same to you. Yours was too good. A full poem! Enjoy your day friend. Take care Rama
Date: 1/22/2021 10:39:00 AM
Congratulation On your first place, Rama. As a lifelong fish keeper and animal lover, I fully understand the reason for these Latin names and am, perhaps, a little more adept at saying them than many folk. However, saying them quickly, ten times left me sounding like Bill and Ben the flowerpot men (maybe that's a British thing). Well done. Terry
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Balasubramanian Avatar
Rama Balasubramanian
Date: 1/22/2021 7:26:00 PM
Thanks. Saw yours, very creative and I couldn't repeat any. You had done in poetry. Mine wasn't poetry. Guess sponsor wasn't expecting poetry. I felt this win was sheer luck for it didn't take much time to pen. Congratulations to you too. Have a great day ahead. Take care Rama
Date: 1/22/2021 8:42:00 AM
Congratulations on your win. What a mouth full. A creative write. Enjoy your win/day/weekend with blessings.............
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Balasubramanian Avatar
Rama Balasubramanian
Date: 1/22/2021 9:56:00 AM
Thanks. I didn't know I had won. Wasn't expecting as this is not poetry. You too enjoy your weekend. God bless! Take care, Rama
Date: 1/22/2021 8:07:00 AM
lol...Latin and Greek need to be revived as subjects to make it all easier...ridiculous otherwise to keep using such a system and there is no understanding of word roots or origins..I cringe just rethinking of the very painful days of memorizing! I would say a word and my dad would know it because he studied Latin in school! I found that so annoying :)
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Balasubramanian Avatar
Rama Balasubramanian
Date: 1/22/2021 9:55:00 AM
Didn't know it was Latin. Had difficulty pronouncing them. The site from where I copied had comments if students thanking them. Felt pity for students. Of what use is these tough names to anybody. Why not use ant, fly etc. If I had to memorize them I would fail.
Date: 1/7/2021 12:02:00 PM
Yes! Linnaeus’ binomial nomenclature at the heart of all this! I visited his house and garden in Uppsala in Sweden!! clever poem! well done. I see a good win here! All the best!
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Balasubramanian Avatar
Rama Balasubramanian
Date: 1/7/2021 10:34:00 PM
I bet you can relate to this one. When I wrote my aim was to put a point across. Site where I saw this had comments from kids stating it is useful for exams. Why not call an ant a ant. What use asking them to memorize? I won't call this a poem. But yes I enjoyed. You can create one by putting scientific names of diseases. Take care. Enjoy your day, Rama
Date: 1/6/2021 6:00:00 AM
Rama, this is wonderful for the contest, so creative, love your use of words to make a tongue twister and for me it works perfectly _Constance
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Balasubramanian Avatar
Rama Balasubramanian
Date: 1/7/2021 10:28:00 PM
Thanks for uplifting comments Constance. Have a wonderful day. Take care, Rama

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