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O.K.K.K. Sit down and allow me to tell you a story but first let's all take an inventory we've got the K.K.K. riding around with shotguns and a black target or two we 've got the Mafia running almost all of Las Vegas and making huge bucks to leave you black and blue and there ain't a stich of clothing you're wearing didn't get the Mafia's okay And when they stop ruling it that will be the day who whacked who to take over the garbage end of the deal? and who killed who to be handed over delivery trucks made of Mafia steel? from the corner store on Tenth Street and death ain't nothing that doesn't have a price, everything but your blessed breath and then we got gang members shooting another gang because he crossed the turf instead of bragging about bullet wounds they should all learn to surf we've got as many drugs in the prisons as you do on the street and that's all because of jailhouse guard Gordon and prisoner Pete Pete's in for life because he didn't like his old girlfriend kissing another so Pete took a shotgun and blew the girl away because she was doing Pete's brother so Pete paces the pen that ain't even ten by ten but here comes jailhouse guard Gordon to soothe down a lot of men i think it's an ingenious idea of Gordon Keep all the men doped up and you won't need a Warden Little Lois used to live with her mother Mable and father Fred but there was a drive by shooting and now poor little Lois is dead but it didn't matter how and why the young girl died it matters that God is no longer our guide Satan took his spot when people believed the Lord was dead at least that's what Tommy Tatola had said you know Tommy who's somehow into both the mafia and jails and there's always being a hit man when all else fails But Tommy's brother went a completely opposite way he's down south murdering innocent African Americans with the K.K.K. © 2011.…Phreepoetree

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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