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Other Than You (Part Ii)

Leaning against the door frame. Slight smile on the face of this slip of a woman. In her colorful turtleneck sweater rising over a slender neck to greet the curve of her jaw.. Long brown hair now streaked with grey piled high on her head. Strands fly away from her head in disaray. Arms folded at her midsection an alknowning and understanding smile. looking in upon you with love and empathy. Our lives not without their trials: deadlines, consueling statments, field problems, genes that will not splice, a thesis due in a couple of weeks, and a 3y/old that will not sleep or eat her carrots, pick up a gallon of milk and loaf of bread, peterson's dinner tomorrow at five, dentist appointments. When this cherub finally moves into a place of sweet childhood dreams, the dishes are in the washer, left overs in the fridge, uniforms pressed, and bills payed. Lights are slowly turned out in the house to where there is the quiet of darkness and behind closed doors the world's delemmas melt. Where there is only you and I for those brief stolen coveted moments. As it were a stages spotlight in two lovers not allowing the world to encroach on the last bit of energy we hold to before we ourselves slumber. Knowing you accent the happiness already within me........

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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