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Only Time Marches On

I can remember the year nineteen forty nine. Mom would takes us kids to main street, to shop at the five and time called WOOLWORTH. Mom said you can always get your money worth ,shopping at WOOLWORTH. At the end of MAIN STREET,was a drive in picture show. For a few dollars the entire family could go. We watch movies from dush till dawn. Now all that is gone,and only time marches on. At the very start of MAIN STREET,where we did our grocery shopping. There was a grocery store that was called A and P. For ten dollars a week,you could feed your entire family. I can still remember the deli clerk. HIS eyes were as big as hamburg patties. HE was built like a pot belly stove. and HIS fingers were like cucumbers. HE had a smile as long as a country mile. I am getting older,and some things I have forgot. But I can still remember the A and P,before it became a parking lot.. WOOLWORTH,DRIVE IN ,A and P are stores of my past. These stores were not meant to last. Now they are all gone,and only time marches on. There is stores that as come and gone,that you may recall Not on your local MAIN STREET,but at a giant shopping mall. New stores will come and old stores will soon begone. Just like our LIFE. The only thing is for certain is that time marches on.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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