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Obtain and Maintain Insane Strain Pain

When rollerblading I threw out my back. A sidewalk bump sent me off the track. On the way home I had felt out of whack. Did extra stretches to create motion slack. But the lumbar pain would come and go. My posture suddenly elderly, a pain show. When walking I’ll hobble around all decrepit. My legs uncooperative and are full of quit. Pain shifted from lower back to the right hip. Triggered by a sidewalk crack and near trip. To get around I grab walls and solid furniture. At this point the best way to treat I am unsure. Can hardly dress myself or grasp stuff nearby. Pain reaches points I think I’m ready to die. People squirm seeing me in this weak state. With an elite fitness regimen, it’s karmic fate. Asking for my wife to get stuff out of reach. When not overwhelmed, she can be a peach. Such a contrasting dynamic from my before. Winning fitness challenges by shocking score. High volumes of pushups, burpees & squats. Frequent strengthening and stretching shots. But I learned one misstep can derail the train. Workouts get suspended when in bad pain. The worried looks on faces is a reversal. When before I was awaiting a rehearsal. For a professional pushup competition. Now totally beyond my comprehension. So I’ll patiently await the results of the tests. Wondering if I’ll get back to setting my bests. Willing to settle for the ability to just walk. Surprised with all the agony I can still talk. Took a needle to the joint to get some relief. Hoping it helps my body going through grief. Trying to inhale but keep holding my breath. Suddenly understand why people chose death. Constant pain totally changes life’s direction. Only way to resolve is with medical inspection. So I hope and pray it clears up pretty soon. Because right now I’m as useful as a buffoon.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 1/20/2022 8:34:00 AM
pain pain go away. the struggle is real!
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Date: 1/19/2022 10:06:00 PM
Pain can change us considerably I pray it ends soon for you :)
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