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North Wind

As the north wind keens from polar shores, In the souls of ghosts with frozen claws To rattle and rap on frosted panes, Whistle through rafters and howl in drains. Sweeping the dust of intricate lace, Blanketing streets adrift in space, Penguin-eyed dreamers retire to beds With albino bats flapping storms in their heads. Sleep in the snow drifts gently befalls, Icicles hanging from railings and walls, Love tells of pain as only love can, Heard and revered by each woman and man. Down in the dungeon of dark and desire, Stars slit the blackness with passion and fire, Somewhere a heart turns away from the cold Transforming dead ashes to silver and gold. As the north wind blows a frigid refrain The power lines fail so the night may remain, Love lights the candles as only love can, Graced and embraced by each woman and man.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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