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The black of the night sky went on forever The heat from the asphalt was little but strong I will hear your screams but won’t hold u again… ever I remember that night and how so much went wrong It didn’t mean to start speeding, I did not mean to race But the outcome was bleeding, from your beautiful face I didn’t mean to scare you; I didn’t mean to make you cry But then when they couldn’t repair you and said you would die, I realized I killed you; i'm your murderer, defeat As I opened my eyes and saw your life on the street I realized that I had innocent blood on my hands Your life slipped through my fingers, like little grains of sand I try to say it was an accident, and it wasn’t my fault But I was responsible for my best friend’s assault I was the driver, it was my stupid mistake I could have slowed down, or stepped foot on the brake But I kept going faster, and I just didn’t care I thought I was daring as your screams rang through the air I never thought this could happen, it is still so unreal As I slammed on the brakes and heard the tires squeal, I saw you get whipped, and thrashed all around Then the car spun out and you did not make a sound The windshield broke and you had glass in your skin You just sat there and bled, what I’d done was a sin I just prayed for a miracle and hoped for a chance That you would somehow start breathing and give me a glance, That you would come back to me to be my best friend We said we’d always be together beginning and end, But I soon realized that you would never ever come back And now with you gone, my life is completely off track I will never forgive myself for what I have done I lost my best friend; your life had only begun If I only had listened you would be here right now I wish I could go back and re-state our vow Our vow of being best friends for the rest of forever But now forever has ended… and I’m stuck living in never…

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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Book: Shattered Sighs