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Life Struggles

As sure as the moon reflects the sun, there comes a critical time during every togetherness when some unforseen obstical challenges the strength and integrity of the tightest commitment, Where the unpredictable winds of fate blows so forceful, that it shakes a weary heart clear from it's axis, inspiring us to wonder, if saving such a relationship truly worth it, and of course, it usually is. It amazes me how under the fleeting pressure of a pecieved danger most of us are fast to abandon our brightest dreams or surrender our greatest hopes without so much as a fight, merely because of some personal weakness, or mabe because we don't understand how the transcendence of struggle builds and fortisfy character, which by the way are the cornerstones to all things great. Conflict in the form of struggle is the yolk that God places upon mankind to test the human spirit, for it is the only way we can prove ourselves capable and worthy of recieving his greater blessings in this life. Now just imagine how much more easier everything would become if we all accepted this and also the simple fact that, life really does fall like the seasons, where the harsh difficulty of winter strengthen and conditions our appreciation for the easier warmth of spring and summertime. After all howelse would you know the sweetness of a peach or strawberry if you had'nt consumed a lemon or two. So the next time life deals you some hard and unexpected blow and you are almost afraid to take another step in the direction of love, remember all thats been said, but more than anythingelse remember, on this golden road called friendships, sometimes true friends stumble, fall and hur themselves as they struggle to hold hand in the common pursuit of a noble thing, but as to say to the world and themselves, no matter the obsticle or difficulty that this life places before us surely they become twice as easy to navigate with the help of a friend.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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Date: 7/9/2016 12:51:00 AM
Edward, nicely penned. Enjoyed reading your thoughts and words today. Love ~SKAT~
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Date: 4/30/2009 2:01:00 PM
Another awesome poem! I really love how you right out your poems. It's very different. It's like your preaching through your poetry.
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