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Let No One Despise Your Youth

Let no one despise your youth May all disciples tell you the truth In Word, Not just the first, second, or third, let your thoughts be heard And your feelings unstirred Your heart Misguided and Misheard Let no lesson go unlearned Leave your grief submerged, only take what you’ve earned, and if deserved, Justice will be served So let your mind go Undisturbed In Conduct Or Behavior, Know that he’s your savior Bless thy creator, Who blessed thy maker, And set her up failure, Then put her at her lowest, then saved her Yes, He is a Saver, Don’t disrespect him by waltzing in his chamber For now, you are in great danger, For He is greater Either walk in or you pay for that later For he controls your air, no need or time for an inhaler No, He doesn’t stand for Misbehavior In Love and Loving, Hate is a strong word, you should hate nothing Heart Drowned, cause you’re judging Yes it’s flooding Let go of that thing, you’ll feel relief as it all comes rushing Succumbing to that tiring feeling of hatred is unbecoming Don’t mess up the person you are becoming Because it’s Stunning, If you looked at yourself when you followed down that other path you’d be running In Spirit, Go everywhere you can, because the sky’s the limit And Every minute is 60 seconds of wasted time where you’re getting closer to your visit And it’s never too early to get a ticket Listen, Because you need to hear it His choices are very precise and very deliberate I’m not telling you for you to fear it I’m telling you for you to hear it In Faith or In Being Faithful, Being Unloyal is outright shameful Being Two faced is righteously Disdainful The Betrayal on your mind renders it Unstable The Misery of thy other person is in no what gainful These actions are in no way playful, rather painful, highly undermining of your guardian angel, because of this unpleasant portrayal of wasted potential, that sometimes ends fatal Gives your name in his mouth a bad label In Purity, Treat your body with the upmost of sercurity And Let no one deceive your body based on its maturity Don’t keep your mouth shut warily Someone will take action assuredly Someone will react despairingly Someone will see through the heavily damaged transparency Someone will see the glaringly obvious tragedy that just happened and react sparingly Someone will see your twisted sense of making peace with it using a misguided fantasy And Rhetorically, someone will save you daringly All to protect your purity, Apparently

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/14/2023 7:41:00 PM
Thanks for sharing this... exposing your wisdom through your unique poetic style. Welcome to Poetry Soup. I welcome you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Be blessed.
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