Keep Right On Writing
1 Would you say that you’d like to write better?
2 Keep writing whether book or love letter.
3 Great writers don’t quit, they write quite a lot.
4 If tempted to stop they simply did not
5 The best of the best, I’d even dare say,
6 Wrote not a few that they just threw away.
7 When eyes of blank pages stare up at you
8 “Quitting makes perfect,” has never been true-
9 ly the more that you practice you’ll find
10 forsooth erelong you shall broaden your mind.
11 The pen is a sword of limitless might;
12 If something is wrong, words can make it write.
13 Words are like arrows that target the soul.
14 They twang, zip, then thump when shot with control;
15 Untrained words injure and never strike true.
16 So religiously write, routinely review
17 For words are the lamp, through darkness lighting.
18 So always, forever just keep right on writing.
Contest: A Litany of Poetic Devices
Sponsors Line Gauthier
Literary Devices by line:
1. rhetorical question
2. internal rhyme
3. consonance (t)
4. inversion
5. parallelism (and superlative)
6. litote
7. personification
8. antithesis
9. enjambment
10. archaism
11. metonymy and metaphor
12. pun (homonym)
13. simile
14. onomatopoeia
15. dissonance (via harsh consonants and uneven vowels)
16. alliteration
17. hyperbaton and metaphor
18. pleonasm
Copyright © Jesse Rowe | Year Posted 2018
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