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Growing Integrity

Introversion, like strengthening integrity, explores fusing with the Whole which I associate with ego-death whether by colonizing encroachments of Other more powerful, arrogantly unenlightened, predators Or by ego-transmutation creolization rebirth synergetic sacraments of wedding bedding feeding breeding loving win/win compassion And probably some positive and negative, impressive and repressive, flavors and savors of both varieties anxiously anticipating ego-degeneration, Self-emptying under duress and surviving chronic depression, ego critical stress and chronic trauma events. Extroversion, like outflowing exhilaration, celebrates interdependent individuation either against or within Earth's whole open system Which I know as ego-augmentation within a Western straight white male privileged context of anthro-exceptionalism MonoTheistically over against EarthTribe's carnal nature Or PanenTheistically celebrating ego's EarthMothered nurtured holonic spirit And probably some in and out positive and negative Both/And Right hemisphere and Either/Or Left hemisphere introverted ego embracing extroverting ecosystemic interdependence with indigenous wisdom of healthy ego dipolar co-arising wealthy ecosystemic context While EitherMe OrWe introversion without BothMe AndWe integral holon of EarthTribal view veers off toward Lose/Lose despair death depression inevitable ecocide and lack of capacity to thrive, emergent disinterest in surviving While extroversion invites sacred out and inflowing integral Other into panentheistic win/win play to grow our humane/divine interreligious bicamerally interdependent Tao wu-wei.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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