Grin and Cure It
Feeling sad?
Well that's too bad,
But why mope around in a dark blue funk?
Don’t let life’s trouble
Burst your bubble.
Why waste your time on all that junk?
Now, life might have you in the pits,
But it's not time to call it quits.
Don't let those dark thoughts clutter up your mind.
Come on now, let's meditate
On things that cheer and elevate,
And leave the morose, gloomy things behind.
A great big laugh
On your behalf
Might drive the gloomy mist away.
And a toothy grin
Above your chin
Could brighten someone else’s day.
A chuckle might forestall
The family doctor’s call,
And, maybe, even shoo away the nurse.
Some stuff and nonsense matter
Could make the day go better,
And, I guarantee, it will not make it worse.
Copyright © William Robinson | Year Posted 2005
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