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Galaxies Came Between

He'd be typing away on his desk with blueprints for the next big thing, While I'd be staring off into the azure sky appreciating the "insignificant" things You really are a genius in your field of technicalities, with which you thoroughly water; A wife, a place of your own, and a destination in mind Me? You'll find me in the corner (no not a corner... think rounded edges, much more safe) Half past ten, still in bed, with rolls of cash in a Ziploc bed (I'm not dealing and I'm sorry if I gave you that impression... more likely just a descendant of Scrooge) Your perfectly organized life (my just screw it attitude) Well I must say you are on your way, but where exactly too? I solemnly wish we had, but one thing in common, dearest brother, Even with the knowledge that I wrote this for you I'm sure deep down you'd think this quite sappy And being the person that I am I'd immediately think of tree metaphors (now what what rhymes with cedar?) And being the person you are you'd probably just go about your day wondering about the latest Apple product You live next door and yet somehow galaxies came between us, Practical you gathered sticks and stones for your shelter here on Earth (I was too busy daydreaming on Mars) From the moment I opened my eyes and peaked my little head out from the pool in the backyard, we were brothers, through and through ... so why do I have this nagging urge to shake your hand and ask "Have we met?"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 6/11/2016 7:51:00 PM
"(I'm not dealing and I'm sorry if I gave you that impression... more likely just a descendant of Scrooge)" LOL XD I love this! The humor in this poem actually makes this that more endearing, and makes the more sentimental parts more heartfelt and touching. Such a great writer. I shall fav this one. <3 Always, Laura
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 6/24/2016 12:24:00 PM
Thanks for checking out an oldie of mine! And of course the fave. I'm rather fond of this one, though I'm still not sure what my brother would think ... on two different worlds, but hey, at least we are in the same Universe :)
Date: 10/24/2014 8:17:00 PM
excellent pen i know families sometimes tim
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 10/26/2014 11:16:00 PM
There are astronomical differences between my brother and me. But that doesn't mean that love isn't there - family is strong :)
Date: 11/26/2013 12:56:00 AM
a sad things how family became stranger because of the busy world has given us.. a really great write, Tim..
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Date: 4/15/2013 8:10:00 AM
I've been seeing you around a lot lately, Timothy...are you fairly new here? You write splendid!
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 4/16/2013 1:06:00 AM
Thank you kindly Caleb!
Date: 3/25/2013 6:06:00 AM
Very good read. Really enjoyed this one
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 4/10/2013 3:27:00 AM
Appreciate all your feedback... highly appreciated!
Date: 3/24/2013 12:47:00 PM
I can so relate to this one, my brother and I seem from different worlds and I guess that is okay. I do wish we had more to talk about. I am adding this to my favorites.
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 3/24/2013 11:03:00 PM
In all honestly I love my brother. I just find it really strange how two people who have known each other their whole lives can sit in a room and it's STILL awkward making a conversation. I'm quirky/creative... he's realistic/technical (those character traits are literally on opposites side of the brain)...

Book: Reflection on the Important Things