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Examined Reality

Green was not all that what it seemed, as I neared it from afar, still not so near it and more far than near, it seemed a little grey at corners and middle, as I walked for it nearer, now the grey was still greyer and presto, there was also yellow in between greys, the green was still overall green though, now seeing more tinges than I could at first, I grew eager and steeped neare it faster, now the iris dug deeper and I could see even traces of red, red flashed loud and clear in between yellows, nwo I was really piqued to no end, and I rushed nearest thus far, and voila! there were plenty of black where it wasn't green, I am now on top of it and saw all colors around me, its just about the same with most situations and times, dont's see just the "green" of them from afar, and get really near to them to see colors clear or ajar.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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