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Earthjazz Commons

ZeroSum Spirit bicameral begins playing through Ego-Eco Me. Nondual trinitarian bilaterality of a Mother Scaling Tree forecasting and shadowing WinWin healthy branching and rooting properties. Spirit consciousness, DNA with RNA tribal strings of multicolored cooperative intelligence. ZeroSpirit fractal-seasoned developing psychology phylogeny homology toward WiseElder WinWin GoldenRulology. ZeroAnimated AcclimatingMundi, full-mooned Boody multiregenerational cosmos where ev'rything grows living out and fades dying in Co-arising sequentially, LeftEgo Zero RightEco ego-eco political psycho logos go attuned to SecularNature also as SacredSpirit, don't you know profound WinWin nuturing connectedness Yang/Yin dipolar emergencies and bipolar fading-outs. ZeroEarth's revolving NatureSpirit Core seasonally develops aging folds and hyperactively unfolds, unravels sacred evolution's health-wealth trajectory, Tao through Allah's Way, Truth, Life, Wealth of Health, Universal-Unitarian CoOp'rativity Trusting ReCreation ReStories within our GoldenRules and Ratios, Elixir of Earth's JazzCommons. Common mutual acclimation forms for jazz and comedy to improvise CoOperativeWise notnot ZeroSum Common EnergyOperations. WinWin Commons evolves ecopolitical subcontracts for using shared listening-speaking consuming-producing space for designing PositivEnergy resources. ZeroSum GoldenRules slow grow coop'rativity to local non-violent restorative justice places spaces with inside lights conjoining out side brights. ZeroSoul harmony jazz-comedy healthy dancing life acclimates through slow-grown restoring therapeutic WinWin revolutionary peace-growing changes. ZeroSum Commons avoids centralized nutritional-toxic bi-erectional risks of a single Positive/Negative Energy authority. Harmonic-Comedic Commons self-organizing improvising WinWin elements notations expectations enthymematic anticipations, mutual namastes of bilaterally active Hope. Jazzy soul interactions emerge RightBrain feeling properties not LeftBrain easy-talk to predict evermore deductive competing Either-Or boring dull academic fading-feeling reasons. LeftBrain yawning analysis of separate cooperative interactive synergies for a bilaterally self-conscious co-operating WinWin ego-eco system. WinWin ZeroSoul systems enthymematical adapting incremental acclimating creole-wisic rules. ZeroSpirit cooperating rules modify ego-eco details transfers dipolar mutually-held hopes both thought and felt to retain ZeroSum Prime Relational resilient brilliant multigenerational coherence. Coherent ZeroCore Commons emerges notnot ZeroSum acclimating conditionals exhibit polycultural resilience, multigenerational sustainability. We need more resonance of ZeroSoul healthy-proving coop'rative teams developing complex rich and dense deep learning sacred ego-eco logical larger scale harmonic-synergetic cooperative behaviors of RightBrain song and dance spiraling full-octave coloring before LeftBrain has a chance to separate out his grey-scaled commodifying capital-infested God, and World, and Life-Death EnergySystemic Idols. Smaller ZeroSoul cooperatives nested latticed conjoining elements see and hear and taste and smell dipolar WinWin root through branch outcome fortunes of healthy wealthy smacks snatch the lead to play and work around jazz rhythms through harmonies of exchanging until resnatch to give away again. Such organic committed systems, individuals, troupes and orchestras, bands and families and tribes, communities and bioregionally rich dense sacred polycultures often look WinLose EitherOr ambiguous and LeftBrain deductively messy. But, Zero NatureSpirit Communities are WinWin coop'ratively-owned by Earth's Nature-Spirit SynergeticCommons. Earth's ZeroNatureSpirit GoldenRules of WinWin coop'ratives toward restorative health-wealth invite non-violent Left-Right co-opportunities, personalities, musicalities, economic not-calamities, And most uncertainly Patriarchal-Matriarchal Enthymematically ZeroSoul EquiValence, too slow grown for richest elegance.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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