Downfall of Ye and Resurrection of Kanye West
Recreation is here to stay. So who made "Ye"?
Like a chain reaction, Hov' created "Riri" and "Ye".
Kanye's the creation made out of heavenly dew & clay,
But recreation of "Ye" came with a price to pay:
Donda, the price the Powers that be choose to slay.
But the truth prevails each passing of the day.
Who owns Balenciaga? Who makes celebs bigger?
• Balenciaga stopped working with this nigga.
Who controls the biggest talent agencies in America?
• His talent agency dropped him and became critical.
Who push album circulation to the ears of fans?
• His albums are down by 23% in October & suffer bans.
Who run the world banks and institutions?
• His bank cuts ties with him and broke aged accords.
Who owns Def Jam and other top Records?
• His record label "GOOD MUSIC" ousted from Def Jam entertainments.
Who finances giant law firms in the States?
• Kanye's new lawyer dropped him in particular.
Who controls, empowers social media like Insta, Facebook, et alia?
• Kanye lost access to posting on main social media platforms.
His luxuries eventually abates and lifestyle transforms.
Who owns Vogue, Adidas and others?
• Vogue and Adidas indelibly cut ties with him;
The powers that be won't stop till his dark light dim.
• Adidas have 3 stripes which equals 3 angles,
Triangle have 3 angles same as all it samples
666 is 3 letters which won't ever break free,
Even if you divide each by 3 you'll still have 3.
Illuminati is triangle so the slaves can't escape the circus,
They keep focus & see the world from the eye of Horus;
A secret society who is no longer secret in the society
and amplifies the concept of hatred and enmity.
The "all seeing eye" seeing all things is the third eye of Shiva,
It engraves these puppets and make its slaves shiver,
Turning our world into Sodom and celebrates it filths,
A feeble ripples arduous sprawl totally defray...
Downfall of Ye will birth the resurrection of Kanye.
All those worldly riches taken from "Ye"
eventually eliminates the cursed character in their metaverse.
Buried in the heart of the Master of the Universe
can only cause a resurrection and a reverse.
Mourn the downfall of bloodbath & media-made "Ye"
but celebrate the resurrection of Kanye West.
Vick Manuel Poetry {VMP}
Form: Rhyme
#downfall #resurrection #ye #kanyewest #secretsociety #vickmanuelpoetry #vmp
Copyright © Victor Immanuel | Year Posted 2022
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