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Diversify and Conquer

'Liberal,' merely a sentiment 'University,' no longer a word 'Zionist,' perverse contortion 'White privilege,' racist extortion

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 1/21/2023 12:03:00 PM
Gershon you nailed this one my friend. A favorite.
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Date: 1/21/2023 9:37:00 AM
Hey maybe its a cursity now.? I was Considering 40 years ago i had a reveiw in My mind about my values other people etc 20 Years on i saw a chart on being (p c) i saw That i'd match 9 out of 10 on that thing so I Was more perfect than i gave myself credit for I found out; lol)) but obviously not enough to Match the score fully ' I thought on it all again Today and realised I am a new term for you 'u c' ( unpolitically Correct these days )
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Date: 1/20/2023 2:17:00 PM
Boom! Times are reversing, I fear.
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Date: 1/20/2023 1:40:00 PM
Do not let Al Galton read this. He will call you a racist! Zionistts are evil per Al. Panagiota
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 1/21/2023 8:21:00 PM
Good Latin> pS I did not write this. How’s that for scary? I do not know anyone by that Name. Panagiota
Wolf Avatar
Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/21/2023 7:47:00 PM
Sounds like has has a ton of Gall. Omnes Gallia divides in tres pardes. ~ Julius, Sieze Her!
Date: 1/19/2023 5:32:00 AM
Words of truth Gershon. Tom
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Wolf Avatar
Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/21/2023 7:46:00 PM
Thanks for the support on this one, T.C.
Date: 1/19/2023 3:52:00 AM
So true are these words.. sadly, it's been like this for century's. Great write, Gershon. ~CM
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/21/2023 7:45:00 PM
Hey, CM. Thanks for the comment.

Book: Shattered Sighs