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Cataclysm: a Hooker Story

Destiny good Destiny bad Destiny bring out the Best in Me Destiny know I ain't got a phone She give me one & call me incessantly I met a hooker named destiny she gave me a johns phone You try to find your lost phone & it takes you to Johns home She's a Looker, Come on bro how hard is it To keep an eye on a hooker Heck even I would have booked her She's just Roaming Through your house unnoticed I think you and your buddy's must have some funny stuff going This chick robs your crib As You get homogenous with your alma mater it's preposterous You should have smashed and sent her back to her pimp Instead she just relax kicking back at your crib You tried to get a new date & She turned into your roommate Can't kick her out now its too late. Tampax in the bathroom She Brought a cat with her ass too Got you shopping for Vidal Sassoon & Cat food. You and the whores cat Standing on your doormat As she rides some guy Like a horse back The whole thing's crazy to you A few months pass & the cats like a baby to you Now your bringing it Toys With Lazers and Noise The whole situation you can't explain to your boys Anytime you have an issue She turn your love for the cat against you Pushing your buttons to test you Cuz she knows that it will upset you She embarrassed you publicly won't let you have company And you just take it Cuz you know she'll get custody. Always looking over your back Don't want to end up in court for a cat Whatever feelings you have you avoid like the black Plague, you made the cat a Bat Cave A secret entrance for its fat face Whatever makes the cat Happy The Cat be a Vigilante Scratching everything exept for the post its supposed to be scratching You tell the cat you're going out with it's mother & Start acting like Alfred the Butler You leave and the cat party like 2 Chainz Cuz it thinks that it's Bruce Wayne

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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