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Cat Or Not

Cat or not a cat Schrödinger's key question of our quantum universe

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 8/21/2014 10:13:00 AM
We all know that if a cat is locked in a box for any length of time that cat will die without food, water,etc..So eventually the cat will be dead..Interesting haiku that you have penned to get people interested though..Very educational..Thanks for the visit to my page..Sara
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D.W. Rodgers
Date: 8/21/2014 1:59:00 PM
hi Sara, As I understand it, Schrödinger posed it as a thought experiment, so the only food involved is food for thought. But it is fun to play with. Thanks for visiting my page and your comment. Cheers Dave
Date: 8/19/2014 5:40:00 PM
a very interesting haiku! btw, I enjoyed your comment on my things that suck poem!
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D.W. Rodgers
Date: 8/20/2014 6:54:00 AM
Thanks for some reason this aspect of reality has been on my mind of later and haiku seemed to work. There was a segment on a CBC comedy radio show years, Notions - for people without full blown ides. It may apply here. Glad you liked the comment - having survived our children's teenage years, I'm quite familiar with the phrase.
Date: 8/12/2014 7:15:00 AM
- Like it! - A really good haiku, Aberfoyle ! - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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D.W. Rodgers
Date: 8/12/2014 8:59:00 AM
Thanks Anne Lise, with another edit it's back to 3 lines and perhaps will remain that way.

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