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Black Cockatoo

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"Black Cockatoo"
I was white as pure snow cotton thread through the eye of God's needle Black he was, not Egyptian, more ancient he walked in the Dreamtime with the forgotten people obsidian We swam the well known swan song like a diamond river snake long Swimming naked in a billabong Light I was, white watching black He shone, glistening a white freshwater pearl smile He wrote the song in Ochre, eyes black ink slow lines feather light fingers along the curves of my body powder white painted against his shadow our hands entwined together against a grey granite wall native bush plum ripe on my raised lips I stroked white lines against his walk about hot fire opal skin lost in the Dreamtime somewhere found metronoming black fingers stroking a ghost white heart language running lost in meaning along a lush sweet breast those fingers ran towards the long legged cross road torn apart emu running evoking bushfire burning lizard tale fingers shorthand painting scorching the place where the creek born runs spits paint all over charcoal stone heart a wall beckons a throat to flow like a river where the words are trapped and damned, he stands I have delivered the ransom caged minds in silence speak and glow hard lips kiss Tongues speak Love knows Black Cockatoo Sings White girl walking Black Mountain lost in the Never Return In the Demons' Land (LadyLabyrinth/ 2020)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 10/30/2022 6:09:00 PM
"Adeline" / Alt-J
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Date: 7/2/2020 2:54:00 PM
Hello Lady Labyrinth, a deep poem with deep meaning.I was watching a movie. Enjoyed your poem. Enjoy your day my friend.
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 7/3/2020 2:03:00 PM
Hello Lady labyrinth, you are so welcomed. Enjoy your dsy my friend.x
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 7/2/2020 3:53:00 PM
Thank you Lady De Beaulieu. x
Date: 6/15/2020 4:20:00 PM
Remarkable lines, true words, amazing piece from a very deep and wise mind. I love every bit of this. Great work Lady Labyrinth..
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/16/2020 5:22:00 AM
When it all snowballed (pardon the pun) in the States with the race protests and riots after George Floyd's death and what has ensued up to present date, it was a wake up call for Australia, and the mistreatment of Australia's indigenous people, the true landowners of Australia. I am heartily sickened by the state of our world at present. America is a big mess. The whole world is a mess. Don't even get me started on Africa. It doesn't seem to be getting any better. The poem Black Cockatoo is about inter-racial relationships. Love is Love, there should be no hindrance of colour. I'm not really wise. Sometimes, I just can't quiet my brain down. A screen is a format to give the solitary mind a voice. Thanks Funom.
Date: 6/9/2020 9:42:00 AM
Where is demon's land...I like the build up and wonder of what is coming...Congratulations on POTD
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/9/2020 1:48:00 PM
( - Van Diemen's Land is Tasmania, Australia. But one might say, Demons' Land, is where we all find ourselves at present with the current turmoil in our world. Yes, I wonder what is coming. Thanks for the congrats. x
Date: 6/7/2020 6:43:00 AM
Beautiful poem, Many years ago, a friend of mine, Ronny, who had grown up in the southern part of the United States was living in Massachusetts. We were working in the same factory. Mind you, Massachusetts is probably the most Liberal state in the United States. I asked him if he was happier to be living up here. He looked at me and questioned why I asked. My ignorant response was because there is far less bigotry and racist people here.
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/7/2020 8:47:00 AM
Ah JC, I would like to think I am highly empathetic....but I have no concept of how a person of colour truly feels, I know and hang my head in shame what they have gone through and continue to go through, because I am aware of the history, but I cannot say I know how it feels. We are ALL human, it's the humane part of being human we have to master. I hope and would love your friend, you speak of to see what you have so beautifully conveyed in the message you have left here. BLM over here too with the mistreatment of the Australian Aboriginal, sadly it took the death of George (and others who have been murdered and mistreated in the States) to set a firecracker under people here to listen and act on supporting BLM. That being said, colour should include everyone, ALL LIVES MATTER. xx
Hawkens Avatar
Jc Hawkens
Date: 6/7/2020 6:49:00 AM
He smiled at me with that knowing father, look. And I'll never forget his response. He said the only difference is the south is more open about there racism; people in New England just hide it better. Well, I trusted that he knew something that I didn't, but figured that I am not able to see it because maybe I had chosen my friends well. I was woefully wrong. When the current administration took office, quite a few of those friends, and relatives, felt it was okay not to hide it anymore.
Hawkens Avatar
Jc Hawkens
Date: 6/7/2020 6:49:00 AM
Ronny and I lost touch a few years back, but to this day, I consider him one of my best friends. I only hope is that he is well. And I am sorry that I was unable to grasp the fullness of what he was saying to me. Your poem was a beautiful write and a lovely art piece, thank you for sharing. JC Hawkens
Date: 6/6/2020 4:55:00 PM
In 5th grade when I was walking home from school I saw my friend Brian getting beat up by 3 boys. I didn't understand why they were beating him up just because he was black, but that day I took a black-eye for him. I ran into the crowd and started throwing punches from every direction. I went home crying, but the 3 bullies got what they deserved because I beat the living crap out of all of them (I was a bad-ass lol) Till this day Brian and I remain friends. Great write, Leanne Congrats on POTD!
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/6/2020 5:16:00 PM
When I think about it, I attended classes in life at some rough schools. Lol. But good training ground. It comes across to me, maybe you did too. Sometimes it is the kids caught in the middle, the ones from inter-racial marriages, that face some of the hardest discrimination, where do they truly belong? They try to fit in with the precepts and expectations of their European heritage under the pressure to perform and rise socially within the ranks of the White, and when they make noise to be accepted by their indigenous culture, they are rejected as white. Life has changed somewhat from the past, but it is still there. It is reassuring to know that there are other 'humans' who really do care, listen and stand by the humans who continually go through the bigotry of race discrimination. Not all Whites are assholes. Perhaps this is all happening at present, to put an end to it, somehow. Thanks for the congrats Charles. Trust you and your loved ones, are well over there.
Date: 6/5/2020 2:58:00 PM
Ebony and ivory merged into a sensual and viseral experience beyond romance. Amazing verse, LL. Congratulations on your POTD. All the best.
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 5:21:00 PM
Wouldn't it be wonderful, if integration was seen as something beautiful and unifying, to form a love so great, that it could produce something to be borne from LOVE, into this world of a pure blend of colour, something never to be ashamed of ever again. Pure, beautiful, not to be kept as a secret, hidden, shunned or forbidden. Thanks Sam.
Date: 6/5/2020 1:01:00 PM
This is a masterpiece to be proud of Lady! Congratulations on POTD! Blessings xxoo
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 5:17:00 PM
I am proud of all my masterpieces Connie. Thank you. I'd like to think I am creating my masterpieces for readers/writers who have open minds, not closed. I had a strange conversation with my best loved above all others and most precious masterpiece the other day, my daughter Georgia, who no doubt will be reading all the comments here and in other poems I have written. She asked me, out of the blue mind you, "Mum, do you have internal conversations?". Obviously straight to the defence, I respond, "What are you inferring Georgia?". To which she responded a friend of hers had sent her an article/or a video (can't remember which) about this women, a writer, who said she does not visualise when she writes, she just sees words. Georgia wanted to know if that is how I write, or what do I see when I write.
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 5:17:00 PM
I responded, “Well that’s bulltwang Georgia. You have to visualise characters and scenes, like you are painting a work of art, or directing/acting/living in the scenes of a movie/the story. That is the only way I can "find" the words to deliver the written story.” I asked her what her thoughts were and what she saw when she wrote. She said she agreed with me. Does that make me mad, all writers that write this way mad? More than likely, in a good way. As I write this now, I am visualising your face and expressions.
Date: 6/5/2020 10:54:00 AM
Wow, this is pure art! I agree with TS, your poem is meant to be shared with the masses. To my faves! Congrats on POTD!! Blessings, Rhonda xx
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 5:01:00 PM
Some of the most beautiful art I have seen is created by those people of colour, the indigenous nations and the African American. Some of the most potent stories and some of the most liberating poetry I have read, come from the minds of those enslaved, who have been enslaved and those who understand the truth of freedom and liberty, justice for all. James Baldwin, Maya Angalou, Nikki Giovanni, Richard Wright, Albert Namatjera, David Gulpilil, Archie many. Everyone in this world has something of Light and beauty in them, whether they are white or coloured. Paints in great artworks, can form the most beautiful and unique colours when blended. Thank you for the congrats Rhonda.
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 5:00:00 PM
Date: 6/5/2020 10:06:00 AM
I can't imagine such accomplished and gripping story telling. A fav for me. Congratulations!
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 4:37:00 PM
We all have this talent to tell stories within us Sunlite. We just need to be quiet and go internally to find the noise, where the beauty through truth resides, not walk the streets screaming to be heard and being shot with gas and bullets. Killed. We need to listen to those who are hurting and have been hurting for centuries, those of race/colour. And they need to be heard. I wonder with all the stories that the indigenous people of the world share with us, maybe we could learn from those stories they share.
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 4:29:00 PM
The Australian Aboriginal go on Walk About, Walkabout is a rite of passage in Australian Aboriginal society, during which males undergo a journey during adolescence, typically ages 10 to 16, and live in the wilderness for a period as long as six months to make the spiritual and traditional transition into manhood. The women have their rites of passage as well; I am aware other world indigenous (coloured people), have their rites of passage as well. The current problem in our world at present with segregation of race, still existing, in the worst possible ways, one has to wonder where was the true respect for people like Martin Luther King and all the other indigenous leaders, eg Native Americans, who put in the hard yards and faith that they would be treated as equal human beings.
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 4:28:00 PM
The indigenous and the African American have been slaughtered, in some cases genocide has occurred due to the arrogance and supremacy of white man. These people have been ripped out of their own spiritual faiths to be cultivated in the ways of "Religion", a deadly thing in itself. They have fought for the white man in white man's wars, they have worked for white man, for nothing. One can understand, if one listens to their stories, what it is they truly want. To be treated and respected for who they are as a people, as an indigenous nation. This can only be achieved through Love and Respect, and without Love there will be no forgiveness. One wonders with centuries of ingrained hurt if those qualities are achieavable, along with equality. I read and understand we are all going through some kind of awakening at present. I read and understand, it will get worse before it gets better. Thank you for the congrats. There endeth the sermon for today. Reverend Lovejoy. xx
Date: 6/5/2020 7:08:00 AM
Congratulations on POTD. xomo
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 6/6/2020 8:03:00 AM
It's all good. Funny you should use the word "weighter"... I wrote something last night when I thought to change my avatar to to match my nom de plume; a detail from an old painting; will post when I do. I used to sculpt these "hourglass figures", penises in corsets, turning the phallus into the female form. My ex called them "paper weights", I called them my girls.
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 5:42:00 PM
Looking at your Avatar Maureen, there was a girl in my 2nd grade in highschool in Queensland, that would be our Grade 9 (back then), that girl had flaming red hair (natural) and until it was revealed she was aboriginal, the other girls were her friends, when that piece of information passed like a virus through our year, she was bullied and ostracised mercilessly. I stood by her, when I found her cowering in a corner of the locker room, balling her eyes out after being punched up by a gang of older girls...I went home with a black eye from a gutless bunch of racist twats. My father, being the true feminist in the family, visited the School Principal the next day. Those b****es, were brought up on stage before the whole school in assembly, and made examples of what is truly dark. I'm no angel. Women are the worst when it comes to bullying. That girl and I remained close friends throughout highschool.
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 4:13:00 PM
Thank you for your congratulations. Maureen McGreavy is a much weighter name to shine on a wall than Pigeon Tart. Leanne xx
Date: 6/5/2020 6:40:00 AM
Some poems were meant for the masses. Let love emerge and crack open the barriers of a hardened or jealous heart...we rebel against something we do not know and fear.... congratulations Modesty xx
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 4:09:00 PM
Growing up in Queensland, Australia, Brisbane and then rural Queensland, Toowoomba, I attended school with Australian Aboriginals. In primary school, children are children and friends are friends, once high school set in, the discrimination was palpable. The first boyfriend I had, in first year high school was black. The first boy-man I held hands with and his name was Daniel, Rutledge (I think may have been his surname), he's outed now. I attended 7 schools. Two of them were high schools. So it wasn't hard to empathise with being the 'new kid'/different. So much for the Lions Den. x
Date: 6/5/2020 5:23:00 AM
Your provocative storytelling strikes again LL...Congrats!! on POTD!! dear friend...super hugs...and stay safe...all the best from the Wingster :o)
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/5/2020 6:27:00 AM
Good grief Light Angel, let me pull myself up off the floor, I just fell off my chair in shock, POTD? What else is there, but to stay safe .... here. Trust you are safe and no one touched in your circle of peace by the dreaded Covid. The other matter, the one of colour, is an additional lesson for us all to wake up and listen to voices that have been crying out to be heard for aeons. Thank you. Love and Light. x
Date: 6/4/2020 7:05:00 PM
I'm honored to have interacted from time to time with a mind full of artistry as you have my friend, I bend to no one but the wind of your mind makes my limbs tremble...a truly beautiful poem...the sensuality, the passion, the hunger for life, your soul soars, your art priceless...peace and blessings...Dear Poet
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/4/2020 7:39:00 PM
Back at you Monsieur Parker, tenfold. "May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand." thought it went with your Winged Avatar...what is that an American Eagle....or a falcon? Need to put my specs on. X
Date: 6/4/2020 3:48:00 PM
I was myself mesmerized by the imagery and deeper thoughts evoked by this captivating piece my friend. Seems to me you pulled out all the stops in delivering this magnificent sensual and fire breathing piece! A fav.. God bless..
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/4/2020 7:38:00 PM
We aim to please. lol. x
Date: 6/3/2020 5:23:00 PM
Colour is of no matter when it comes to the heart...very sensuous dream Modesty
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 6/3/2020 9:13:00 PM
Apparently Love conquers all....

Book: Shattered Sighs