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Ancestral Adjustments

The druid's laughing in my head Awake enjoying new life No fears no need of any dread A pair of fools to entertain Ancestral ghosts that yet remain Reflective in my brain As all my life I've lived to see That they be ever proud of me As now we turn to poetry Responsible and free to earn The daily bread of history

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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Date: 6/16/2013 5:21:00 PM
Donald, How are you this lovely evening? :-) Congratulations with having your awesome poem featured on the soups home page.... sending hugs. Hope you are enjoying this day with your family. always & forever *LINDA
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Date: 6/15/2013 11:12:00 AM
Very nice poem. Congratulations on being featured.
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Book: Shattered Sighs