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An Evening of Pleasure

Late in the evening as I sat by the hearth , Deep within me grew a fastidious thirst. It filled me until I could stand it no more At a run my slipper clad feet hit the floor With less of a shuffle and more of a sprint I raced to her as my nose caught a hint A hint of ambrosial perfume; Exquisite aroma invaded the room. All hesitation fled my movement As from her resting place I seized the scent. With sudden saccharine sweetness my lips were dressed In a selfish manner its earthy warmth caressed, “More marshmallows, pumpkin?” was my mother’s query With a foam rimmed smile, I nodded in a hurry What better way, Is there to end the day, Than hot chocolate at midnight?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 10/2/2013 7:42:00 AM
Haha. You surprised me with the ending; I didn't see it coming. I like it when a poem catches me off guard or makes me think one thing and then takes me in a different direction at the end. Good job :)
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