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Amy Winehouse-Should Have Went To Rehab

They tried to make you go to Rehab... you said... NO! NO!! NO!!! Shoulda' packed your bags ta' Rehab... you wouldn't GO! GO!! GO!!! boo-hoo hot-mess Wine-HORSE

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 10/27/2011 12:25:00 AM
Can't find any poems of yours I have not read, but coming back to this one. I saw in the news tonight that she had drunk SO MUCH, it was incredible how much she was holding before she died. I knew nothing about this singer, but it sure makes me wonder what made her want to drink so much!
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Date: 8/4/2011 6:39:00 AM
I Love It, Love It , Love It. I have to add it to my favorites!!!!!! Thanks, I thought i was the only one who felt like this.... !!!!!
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Date: 7/24/2011 1:48:00 PM
I really wish she had listened and gone to rehab, Joey. It's so sad to see a young singer die. I doubt the media is surrounding the Anthony house now. She was taking to a different place to start a new life without being threatened. Hope you have a wonderful trip to Orlando! So much to do there. Love, Carolyn
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Date: 7/24/2011 11:30:00 AM
ps. Gosh, that was really neat about you writing a poem similar to mine. you know what the say about great minds!(so humble too heehee)
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Date: 7/24/2011 11:29:00 AM
ok, now I know who winehouse is. Some poet here just wrote about this singer's demise and I couldn't place who it was! Still don't know this story. Just getting bits and pieces.I take it you were not a fan! I think I hear hubbie getting up finally. boy, he sleeps in late! Better be off to make breakfast. Hopefully can talk later in soupmail about your book and stuff. My time is so limited these days. DANG! (and I never was in a hot air balloon but would sure like it!)
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Date: 7/24/2011 4:16:00 AM
so sad to lose another shining talent... may amy sing with angels now... beautifully written,JS.. :) huggs, nette
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