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A Psychedelic Whistle Plays a Rhythm Into the Darkness

Poet's Notes

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Author's Notes: "A Psychedelic Whistle Plays a Rhythm into the Darkness" is a narrative poem that I had co-authored in close collaboration and direct coordination with my two great colleagues and dear friends, Anne-Lise Andresen and Liam McDaid. This poem was finalized and completed on May 5, 2017. Similar to several other dark poems that the three of us have done together in the past (e.g., "The Demon's Shrill Cry of Dread and Horror," "The Old Dark House," and "Halloween's Evil Visage Cometh" -- among others), the fictional-fantasy story behind this narrative effort speaks for itself. "Psychedelic Whistle" is loaded with some very peculiar metaphors and imagery which we all believe will "invite" the reader think about the various interlocking sub-themes we've built into each of the seven stanzas of this write. As with other dark poems in this genre that we've co-authored together in the past, this write delves into the "psychology of the mind" when its confronted at the subconscious-level by the true force of evil and destructive intentions from Lucifer. I can assure you that there is an overarching storyline behind this narrative effort that runs through the whole poem. But, to heighten the mystery a bit, we won't tell you what it is. That spoils the individual contemplation of the reader. Some clues may be found in the metaphors and in the traditional biblical role of Lucifer as the "ultimate tempter of mankind." After all, he's the one who knows the omnipotence of the psychedelic whistle and the bewitching rhythm that it plays!! Enough said. Enjoy the poem and best greetings to all from Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! (Gary Bateman - May 6, 2017) (Narrative)
***A Special Note for Arthur Vaso: "The Brothers and Sister Grimm have most certainly struck again!!"  BOO!! BOO!! BOO!! 
Categories: dark, evil, fantasy, horror, metaphor, myth, and symbolism. 
A Psychedelic Whistle Plays a Rhythm into the Darkness Entering the dark side of a moonbeam on this evil lens of life, A gruesome old man recreates a murder time and time again, As the cold and lonely howling bitterness of the night escapes. The psychic contrasts go up in a surreal smoke-filled entirety. This is not lost to the all-seeing consciousness of the cosmos. Moaning a malefic agony of selfish needs devours all that’s good, Whilst under black leather gloves bleached deadly-white his bones, Fill the heart expelled with a legion of grieving spirits—sad and lost. A maze doth open as Dark Demons are made of rotten plank ridges, And scraps of empty emotions that maketh them all deliciously evil. Inside ashes intoxicated with the Hallowed Eve's evil kiss bringeth All a Gorgon-like gift so cursed and raised in Lucifer’s own Hellfire. Leaveth them to their executioners and wash your own hands clean! Cain within life's garden dwells as a zombie—a grief-stricken animal, As a psychedelic whistle plays a rhythm into the darkness of the cosmos. Ebony darkness seduces as a fire burns black ebony removing the flesh. Ice-cold tears in anxiety fall, shouting loudly that nobody sees nor hears The jealous whimpering of jackals needing love with no way to find it. There remains emotionless beings who kill passion with a crocodile’s bite. Fear not the tempting by Lucifer as long as the silver crucifix adorns thee! Fireflies born in a hellish fury cast in anger the past sins of those doomed, Yet they can be "Bearers of an Ancient Light” for things good and noble, If they can passeth through the veil of evil and darkness into God’s light. When the smoke blows away pride there’s no remorse only danger ahead! The silence afterwards is deafening to those of holy-pure mortal blood! Understanding of reality loses its meaning in this evil realm of darkness, As an agonising pain is cleared in an eclipse found under “Hate's Trigger.” Under a deep crater twilight ghosts rise as “Shadow Beggars of Despair,” Whilst feeling unholy torment in nerve fibers of a past-life enchantment. Only Lucifer knows this truth as he collects souls for eternal damnation! Uncanny conversations are secret and bloody-confused in Hell’s own pit. Rising from the ashes unhappy beasts mark the ground with sharp claws, As disoriented tongues of envy are struck down by lightning bolts blinded. Lucifer knows the omnipotence of the psychedelic whistle as it plays its Rhythm bewitching all lost souls as they enter the darkness of the cosmos! Anne-Lise Andresen, Gary Bateman, and Liam McDaid A Collaborated Poem, Copyright © All Rights Reserved May 5, 2017 (Narrative)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 5/30/2017 5:06:00 PM
Hello, Gary you are a master of poetry. A terrific collaboration with Anne-Lise and Liam. For me this is a fav and I hope it helps to push this terrific piece of writing higher than Number 10 on the best new poems list. Great job my friend.
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/30/2017 5:18:00 PM
Thanks Armand!! Always my great pleasure to hear from you!! Thanks for your very kind words and for the FAV. I know that Anne-Lise and Liam will be equally pleased. Poetry is much fun and a joy to do. I've found that writing poetry has certainly helped to enhance my ongoing work in the prose arena. At the end of the day Armand, it's all good and most rewarding. And Armand, you too are a master of poetry!! Best Wishes, Gary
Date: 5/23/2017 2:35:00 PM
Wow! What a poem! It is the first time that I have read a poem like this. It was different.
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/24/2017 6:18:00 PM
Hello Darlene!! Many thanks to you here on your wonderful comment and observation on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! Yes, for sure, this narrative is a very special and unique write. Anne-Lise, Liam, and I get together every so often to produce a powerfully written and articulated co-written poem. We actually have written other dark ones like this one, and some earlier ones that were of lighter topics. It's all good in the end, and very much fun!! Thanks Again for your read!! Cheers and Best, Gary
Date: 5/21/2017 2:04:00 PM
Gary Bateman, enjoyed the read a very well done collaborated poem ~*
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/21/2017 6:16:00 PM
Thanks so much Eve on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! I'm very glad you enjoyed our rather dark verse here. These ones are always much fun to do. All The Best!! Gary
Date: 5/8/2017 7:50:00 AM
Am I too late to congratulate you three for this monumental work? Terribly sorry to miss the feast as I was too busy elsewhere! A 7 for each of you: Anne-Lise, Liam and Gary! You deserve the honor for honoring Poetrysoup with your nonparallel work!
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/8/2017 9:57:00 AM
Hello Demetrios, Great to hear from you!! And, I know that all three of us are very appreciative that you took the time to read our latest dark narrative here. And, on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me -- thanks so much for the "7" rating of our efforts on this particular dark write. I know that all three of us feel the same way about your superb work and all of the contributions you've made in helping and encouraging aspiring poets within the Poetry Soup community and beyond. We're very glad that we all were able to catch your attention with the "Psychedelic Whistle" narrative. "The Brothers and Sister Grimm have struck again!!" Cheers and Best Always, Gary
Date: 5/8/2017 12:35:00 AM
An awe inspiring collaboration from all three of you! Congratulations on having it honored with POTD! 7 ; )
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/8/2017 4:57:00 AM
Hello Connie, Thanks on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! Great to hear from you, and I know Anne-Lise and Liam are very pleased, as I am, that you like our collaborative effort here. (I need to drop by and check out your latest poems as well.) Again, thanks -- and best wishes from all of us!! Cheers, Gary
Date: 5/7/2017 4:56:00 PM
Very heavy verses from such a diverse poem. I love it, it was great. Thanks for sharing.
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 5:57:00 PM
Thanks very much Marilyn for your wonderful comments here on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! (BTW, it's really nice to hear from you again. I need to get over your way to check out your latest works.) I told Anne-Lise and Liam earlier that we should probably consider doing a love theme for our next future collaboration. Again, many thanks for your read and great comment here!! Cheers and Best, Gary
Date: 5/7/2017 4:03:00 PM
Hi Gary, Liam and Ann- Lise!:) Congratulations are in order to all the three of you for POTD! :)And honor that you truly deserve. Just awesome! So perfectly done!Wishing you a very lovely week!In His light God bless you all always!:)Love n' hugs!xoxox D ^O^
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 5:49:00 PM
Hello Dear One D!! Thanks very much for your second visit this way on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me. (I mentioned to Liam earlier that I actually had no idea our piece here had been selected for POTD. He's the one who told me. Like you, I'm always off doing other projects as well specifically under my own pen. I know we're all pleased you liked this write. (I know it's a dark one, but I believe you know that each of us are multi-thematic when it comes to poetry in general. The main thing, from my point of view, is when one spills ink on any topic of interest, one should do it with passion and purpose and always write their best!! Why not? That's what we're supposed to do (or attempt to do) as poets and writers!! It's All Fun!! Continued Best Wishes . . . and God Bless!! G!!
Date: 5/7/2017 1:28:00 PM
- P.O.T.D. ...... HURRAY !!!! - Thanks for many great comments :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 5:33:00 PM
Thanks Dear Anne-Lise!! I've been very pleased with the overall reception the three of us have received from our Poetry Soup colleagues on this rather unusual dark theme narrative. We may want to consider an uplifting "love theme" collaboration among the three of us in the future. The main thing for us all individually and as a collab-team is to keep spilling ink and having fun. Any verse well-written, in the end, speaks for itself. Always my great pleasure to share pens with you and Liam!! Best Always, Gary
Date: 5/7/2017 11:58:00 AM
Wow wow wow A-L, Gary, and Liam...quite the write...congratulations, a 7 and fav
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 5:23:00 PM
Hello Tim!! Always a great pleasure for sure my friend to hear from you. And thanks too for the seven/fave on behalf of Liam, Anne-Lise, and me. I know that we're all very pleased with how our newest collaboration has been received here by our colleagues. I know that all of us greatly admire your poetry as well!! Cheers and Best Wishes, Gary
Date: 5/7/2017 10:27:00 AM
Mysteriously mythological nightmare of a write, congratulations to one and all...
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 5:19:00 PM
Hello Charlie, And many thanks for your observation and congratulations on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! I know you've equally commented in the past when we've produced some other dark writes of interest. (It's probably time we switch over for a while and do some love poetry in the future.) It's all fun, regardless of what topic or theme we undertake. I need to get by your way and check out your latest and greatest writes. Best Wishes, Gary
Date: 5/7/2017 9:11:00 AM
Hi my friends, another fantastic write from your pens. The Dark Man comes to read another exceptional poem from you all. I am always amazed at what you manage to put into each of your collaborative works. You write as one in a mesmorizing piece of poetry that keeps hold of the readers imagination from beginning to end. A masterpiece of poetic skill. If i could write half as good as this i would be a most happy man. Wonderful creation. A seven and a fave my friends. Your Friend Always....Mike.
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 5:12:00 PM
Hello Mike!! Many thanks as always for your wondrous and highly encouraging comments on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! And thanks too for the seven/fave!! And you too Sir are a most superb writer. All three of us are quite aware that you've been producing of recent some really powerful and passionate "Top Drawer" poems. The most important thing for all of us as writers is to stay curious and keep having fun with each project we undertake -- regardless of the theme or notion at hand. Cheers and Best Wishes from Ingrid and me!! Gary
Date: 5/7/2017 8:09:00 AM
congratulations to you both really a pleasure to see this as poem of the day also thank you everyone for the heartfelt beautiful comments deeply appreciated
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Liam Mcdaid
Date: 5/7/2017 5:57:00 PM
babylon seeker fits the evil wickedness of chaos behind the scenes fitting many religious groups without identifying one group in singular whom believe in god without the cross as its a battle of the old against godless creatures of the night thank you deeply for the lovely comment bless you
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 4:56:00 PM
Hello Liam Mate!! Always my distinct and very great pleasure to work together with you and Anne-Lise on whatever theme or topic comes our way that we can collaborate on. This one actually turned out very well, and I'm quite pleased it's been received positively by many of our Poetry Soup colleagues. May the Leprechauns keep smilin' upon us as we share pens in the future!! Best Always, Gary
Date: 5/7/2017 8:02:00 AM
truly a pleasure joining pens with you both truly a treat seeing in its form take shape smiling thank you both deeply for the honour for me this is top shelf wishing you both a blessed weekend gary
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 5:04:00 PM
Liam Mate, May the pens of all three of us continue to flow to abundantly in the future as we undertake other projects and themes of interest. (I had no idea until later on this day that our new narrative poem here had been selected for POTD. The most important thing is to keep having fun with writing no matter what each of us do individually or together!! Spill Ink Mate!! Gary
Date: 5/7/2017 7:52:00 AM
Wow! So darkly evilicious, and so glad I didn't read this at night. Lol! A superb collaboration. You three are just awesome. Congratulations... Hugs :) Kina
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 4:49:00 PM
Thanks very much as always Kina for your wonderful comments!! Anne-Lise, Liam, and I really splashed some "Ink" together on this write. All three of us tend to do other themes than just dark ones. But we do all have fun regardless!! (I like your term above "darkly evilicious.") I believe you've coined a new word here that we all can have some fun with!! Continued best wishes from all of us!! Cheers, Gary
Date: 5/7/2017 7:09:00 AM
Congrats!!! to the three grim amigos lol...very hellish of you ...when shall you three witches meet again? lol...^WW^
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 4:41:00 PM
Hello WW!! We three witches or occasional purveyors dark themes stir our cauldrons together on these particular type of writes. We've actually individually, and, at times together write about love, romance, other things slightly more uplifting. Every theme project is different and tends to stand on its own. "WW" thanks for your comment and best wishes on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! Gary
Date: 5/7/2017 2:39:00 AM
This is a wonderful collaboration, Gary, Liam and Anne-Lise, such a well earned PotD :D Except for the content, your choice of words and incredible poetic language stands out. I am most surely going to read more of your poetry now :)
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 3:46:00 PM
Hello Darren, Thanks very much for your thoughtful comments here. Yes, this one is dark one for sure, but all of us write a vast array of other themes as well. For myself, I'm very much multi-thematic. I will drop by you way as well to check out your poetry, as I'm sure Anne-Lise and Liam already have. BTW, Arthur Vaso is an aficionado of dark write (when we do them). He gave our group the name: "The Brothers and Sister Grimm." All fun for sure. Best Always, Gary
Date: 5/6/2017 8:08:00 PM
Hi Gary, Liam, and Anne-Lise ! Wow!This is a very outstanding and profound Narrative poem, that you've described n' painted here my dearest friends.Amazing piece! A very dark and kind of scary and horrifying poem , but beautifully written from beggining to its very end:)Great imagery! Excellent collaborations! All well done!Just awesome!Your pens are mighty golden!A 7 ++++ to each!A Fav!Wishing you a very lovely weekend!In His light God bless you always!:)Love n' hugs!xoxox D ^O^
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/7/2017 3:41:00 PM
Thanks "D" for your great comments and very instructive thoughts on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! I always appreciate hearing from you as does Anne-Lise and Liam. This one is quite different from the themes that you do. Yet it's supposed to be a dark one. We were all quite fortunate how the final product turned out. God Bless, and have a wonderful upcoming week!! Spill Ink!! G!!
Date: 5/6/2017 7:22:00 PM
Loved each and every verse here, certainly for sure a lot to contemplate! Well done all of you!!!! I would be interested after people have had a chance to read, to hear your explanations! Great write you guys!
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/6/2017 7:38:00 PM
Hello Arthur, Many Thanks for your very gracious words here on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! "The Brothers and Sister Grimm have most assuredly struck again!!" We did have some fun with this one for sure. "The Devil's in the Details" -- no pun intended. (I will be happy later to provide more details as you've requested.) The three of us tend to think with "one mind" every time we do one of these. Listen for the sonorous sound of Psychedelic Whistle!! It's Pied Paper clarion call beckons all who thirst for its shrillness!! Cheers and Best, Gary
Date: 5/6/2017 7:15:00 PM
Tremendously deep, dark, mysterious and image filled recreation of hell, its imps, demons and their Dark Lord master.. Under a deep crater twilight ghosts rise as “Shadow Beggars of Despair,” ^^^^ This one sent me into a deep think and gave me cold shivers with what I saw! Super 7, a fav and a hearty bravo to all three great poets!
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/6/2017 7:27:00 PM
Hello Dear Friend Robert!! Thanks so very much for dropping by here and for your read and wondrous observations and comments on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! And thanks for the TR/FAV too!! This one was another one of our deliciously macabre efforts to both tease and entertain the reader. Best Wishes from all three of us -- and Beware of the Psychedelic Whistle!! Best!! Gary
Date: 5/6/2017 6:25:00 PM
Very well done to all, Gary, partners you have found that work with you so very well.. Thank you all for the powerful write I really enjoyed. ~*
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/6/2017 6:40:00 PM
Thanks Eve for your wonderful comments here on behalf of Anne-Lise, Liam, and me!! We've all three written on other themes too other than the dark ones. We do tend to have fun though when we concoct some of these more diabolic themes. It's all great poetry and much fun in the end, regardless of the subject or theme. Cheers and Best Wishes, Gary
Date: 5/6/2017 4:14:00 PM
- Thank you my friends, always a pleasure to write with you both- I leave the comments to those who want to take the time to read ... enjoy :) - A new poem that destroys your night sleep - Are you one of those who suffer from huge nightmares ? - (Do not read this :))) - I wish you a good night :) - hugs // Sister Grimm :)
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Gary Bateman
Date: 5/6/2017 5:37:00 PM
Thanks Sister Grimm!! . . . All I shall say is, "Beware of the Psychedelic Whistle and the deliciously macabre rhythm that it plays into the darkness." Always a pleasure for sure to share "poison pens" with you and Liam on dark writes like this one. I shall sleepeth like a baby tonight. No Nightmares!! (HA!! HA!!) Cheers, Brother Grimm Gary.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things