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A Haiku Series and Some

a gardeners contest... two one kilo onions... nice with a hot dog ~~~~~~ twas a bee... or not whether it was a bee... or wasp... that is the question... ~~~~~~ the pike was hungry his prey... at all times cautious the angler... cunning... ~~~~~~ a spring bouquet new life... flowers included propagation rife ~~~~~~ the horizon glows the sun lighting up the day frogs croak... snakes sunning ~~~~~~ skylarks a singing wildflower meadows buzzing aromas... teasing ~~~~~~ look to the sky do you see a future nature... don't deny ~~~~~~ the love... of our lives' nature nurtures all that lives she won't deny us ~~~~~~ red skies at night once a shepherds delight now fickle seasons ~~~~~~ a true love tis human nature procreate ~~~~~~ ENTHNOGRAPHIC HAIKU words flow from my heart o... my muse... she guides my quill fresh... the words of spring... ~~~~~~ SENRYU an anthology... all can... and will... standalone... a poets plight... ~~~~~ PIXIKU a haiku oft a secret note natures ways* ~~~~~ MONOKU *of love... to say hello... seasonal joys... natures ways... human nature

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 3/9/2018 12:40:00 PM
Well done I really like haiku's so this was a treasure trove for me :) thanks for sharing!
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Mick Talbot
Date: 3/9/2018 2:58:00 PM
Hi Kyle, Many many thank, I agree but they ain't made me rich, (YET), LOL, OOPS, me quill slipped in me jokink ;-)
Date: 3/9/2018 10:46:00 AM
Wow, brilliant takes me a while to do one, careful you might run out lol
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Mick Talbot
Date: 3/9/2018 3:21:00 PM
Haha, I might run out of ink Tom, I hope never haiku or poetry, the dreaded block, no, doesn't bear thinking about. Thanks for the compliment... Mick
Date: 3/9/2018 10:16:00 AM
Great series, well enjoyed Mick...
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Mick Talbot
Date: 3/9/2018 3:32:00 PM
Hi Charlie, Many thanks, well pleased you enjoy them, gives me inspiration, and encouragement, thanks again... Mick

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