Famous Yak Poems by Famous Poets
These are examples of famous Yak poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous yak poems. These examples illustrate what a famous yak poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).
See also:
...e top of the
tree and then we have to get up, the hot sun upon us.
We go into the house and begin that two-hour yak-yak acti-
vity we call breakfast. We sit around and bring ourselves
slowly back to consciousness, treating ourselves like fine
pieces of china, and after we finish the last cup of the last
cup of the last cup of coffee, it's time to think about lunch or
go to the Goodwill in Fairfax.
So here we are, living in the California bush above...Read more of this...
Brautigan, Richard
...I am watching them churn the last milk they'll ever get
from me.
They are waiting for me to die;
They want to make buttons out of my bones.
Where are my sisters and brothers?
That tall monk there, loading my uncle, he has a new cap.
And that idiot student of his--
I never saw that muffler before.
Poor uncle, he lets them load him.
How s...Read more of this...
Corso, Gregory
...As a friend to the children
Commend me the Yak.
You will find it exactly the thing:
It will carry and fetch, you can ride on its back,
Or lead it about with a string.
The Tartar who dwells on the plains of Thibet
(A desolate region of snow)
Has for centuries made it a nursery pet,
And surely the Tartar should know!
Then tell you papa where the Yak can be got,
And if he is awfully rich
He...Read more of this...
Belloc, Hilaire
...Y was a yak,From the land of Thibet:Except his white tail,He was all black as jet. y! Look at the Yak!...Read more of this...
Lear, Edward
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