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Famous Wilted Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Wilted poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous wilted poems. These examples illustrate what a famous wilted poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Hardy, Thomas
...In years defaced and lost, 
 Two sat here, transport-tossed, 
 Lit by a living love 
The wilted world knew nothing of: 
 Scared momently 
 By gaingivings, 
 Then hoping things 
 That could not be. 

 Of love and us no trace 
 Abides upon the place; 
 The sun and shadows wheel, 
Season and season sereward steal; 
 Foul days and fair 
 Here, too, prevail, 
 And gust and gale 
 As everywhere. 

 But lonely shepherd souls 
 Who bask amid the...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...tion is inferred
By subsequent effect --

If when the sun reveal,
The Garden keep the Gash --
If as the Days resume
The wilted countenance

Cannot correct the crease
Or counteract the stain --
Presumption is Vitality
Was somewhere put in twain....Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...d with glory,
The nights too quickly sped,
And life was like a story
Where all the people wed.

Before this rosebud wilted,
How passionately sweet
The wild waltz smelled and lilted
In time for flying feet;
How loud the bassoons muttered,
The horns grew madly shrill,
And oh! the vows lips uttered
That hearts could not fulfill.

Before this fan was broken,
Behind its lace and pearl
What whispered words were spoken,
What hearts were in a whirl;
What homesteads were selec...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William's doubt
Fair froze me wiv affright:
To fink wot God would say about
The bloke I corpsed last night.

I 'ushed; I wilted wiv despair,
When, like a rosy flame,
I sees a angel standin' there
'Oo calls me by me name.
'E 'ad such soft, such shiny eyes;
'E 'eld 'is 'and and smiled;
And through the gates o' Paradise
'E led me like a child.

'E led me by them golden palms
Wot 'ems that jeweled street;
And seraphs was a-singin' psalms,
You've no ideer 'ow sweet;
Wiv che...Read more of this...

by Levy, D A books
like flowers from
a sun warmed day
years later to
open yellowing pages
to find those same
kisses - wilted and dry....Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...His Bill is clasped -- his Eye forsook --
His Feathers wilted low --
The Claws that clung, like lifeless Gloves
Indifferent hanging now --
The Joy that in his happy Throat
Was waiting to be poured
Gored through and through with Death, to be
Assassin of a Bird
Resembles to my outraged mind
The firing in Heaven,
On Angels -- squandering for you
Their Miracles of Tune --...Read more of this...

by Lawrence, D. H.
...oss her face,
And I saw her for the flaring space
    Of a second, afraid of the clips
Of my arms, inert with dread, wilted in fear of my kiss.

A moment, like a wavering spark,
    Her face lay there before my breast,
Pale love lost in a snow of fear,
And guarded by a glittering tear,
    And lips apart with dumb cries;
A moment, and she was taken again in the merciful dark.

I heard the thunder, and felt the rain,
    And my arms fell loose, and I was dumb.
Al...Read more of this...

by Lawrence, D. H.
Means only to you a clogged, numb burden of flesh
Heavy to bear, even heavy to uprear
Again from earth, like lilies wilted and sere
Flagged on the floor, that before stood up so fresh.
...Read more of this...

by Brautigan, Richard
...d Slob Father Of

 Beloved Worked-to-Death Mother Of

 On some of the graves were fruit jars and tin cans

with wilted flowers in them:


 To the Memory

 of John Talbot

 Who at the Age of Eighteen

 Had His Ass Shot Off In a Honky-Tonk

 November 1, 1936

 This Mayonnaise Jar

 With Wilted Flowers In It

 Was Left Here Six Months Ago By His Sister

 Who Is In

 The Crazy Place Now.

 Eventually the seasons would take care of their wooden

nam...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...t oh the postal fuss was frantic;
They sent me here, they sent me there,
They were so courteous yet so canny;
Then as I wilted in despair
A Frenchman flipped me on the fanny.

'Twas only juts a gentle pat,
Yet oh what sympathy behind it!
I don't let anyone do that,
But somehow then I didn't mind it.
He seemed my worry to divine,
With kindly smile, that foreign mannie,
And as we stood in waiting line
With tender touch he tapped my fanny.

It brought a ripple of rom...Read more of this...

by Schuyler, James
...h kind of clover,
daisy, paintbrush that
grew in that field
the cabin stood in and
study them one afternoon
before they wilted. Past
is past. I salute
that various field....Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...sticate raw onions.

She was the cuddly kind of Miss
 A man can love to death;
But when I sought to steal a kiss
 I wilted from a breath
With onion odour so intense
 I lost my loving sense.

Yet she was ever in my thought
 Like some exotic flower,
And so a garlic bulb I bought
 And chewed it by the hour;
Then when we met I thrilled to see
 'Twas she who shrank from me.

So breath to breath we battled there,
 To dominate each other;
And though her onions odious wer...Read more of this...

by Carruth, Hayden
...housekeeper long ago in the

 mountains of the western province, the kingdom
Of complete cruelty, where heads fell like wilted flowers and

 snow fell for many months across the mouth
Of the pass and drifted deep in the vale. In our kitchen the

 maple-fire murmurs
In our stove. We eat cheese and new-made bread and jumbo

 Spanish olives
That have been steeped in our special brine of jalapeños and

 garlic and dill and thyme.
We have a nip or two from the small in...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
.... . three three went by.

The sweat pricked on the Sheriff's brow as suddenly he broke
And limp and weak he wilted to the floor;
And then the stranger's hand shot out and grabbed the heavy poke
As jeeringly he backed up to the door.
"Say, folks," he cried, "I'm off downstream; no more of me you'll see,
But let me state the job was pretty raw. . . .
The guy that staged the robbery he thought to pin on me
Was your bastard Sheriff, Red McGraw....Read more of this...

by Frost, Robert
But 'twas no make-believe with you today,
Nor was the grass itself your real concern,
Though I found your hand full of wilted fern,
Steel-bright June-grass, and blackening heads of clovers.
'Twas a nest full of young birds on the ground
The cutter-bar had just gone champing over
(Miraculously without tasking flesh)
And left defenseless to the heat and light.
You wanted to restore them to their right
Of something interposed between their sight
And too much world at on...Read more of this...

by Parker, Dorothy
I must wait till he whistles for me-
Proud young Death would not turn his head.

I must wait till my breast is wilted.
I must wait till my back is bowed,
I must rock in the corner, jilted-
Death went galloping down the road.

Gone's my heart with a trifling rover.
Fine he was in the game he played-
Kissed, and promised, and threw me over,
And rode away with a prettier maid....Read more of this...

by Pushkin, Alexander
...ints to bless his hovel,
Death - nothing other - did he crave.

So once, upon a falling night, he
Was bowing by his wilted shack
With meekest prayer to the Almighty.
The grove was turning slowly black;
Above the lake a mist was lifting;
Through milky clouds across the sky
The ruddy moon was softly drifting,
When water drew the friar's eye...

He's looking puzzled, full of trouble,
Of fear he cannot quite explain,
He sees the waves begin to bubble
And sudde...Read more of this...

by Hesse, Hermann
...ilent, already dead, and the day
Will shine no longer into your beloved
Serious eyes, and your beloved brown hand hangs wilted,
And your white forehead split open--Oh, if only,
If only, just once, that last day, I had shown you, told you
Something of my love, that was too timid to speak!

But you know me, you know...and, smiling, you nod
Tonight in front of your strange castle,
And you nod to your horse in the drenched forest,
And you nod to your sleep to your har...Read more of this...

by Gregory, Rg
...others with blunt 
tips and broken blades – a few so steeped in blood 
a dried rustiness still stained them - and those wilted 
at the hilt (weary of the code that bred them)

they came at the end of their long days of death-
imagined drills and disciplined submissions
times of pride (trapped tongues and rank obedience)
seeking a balmier game-play for their fingers
they learned languages of metal wood and stone
translated scrubbed land to a fond oasis

built (at last) for the...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things