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Famous Unfriended Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Unfriended poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous unfriended poems. These examples illustrate what a famous unfriended poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Brooke, Rupert
...But the drear
Waste darkening, and, at length, flame ultimate on the deep.
Oh, the last fire -- and you, unkissed, unfriended there!
Oh, the lone way's red ending, and we not there to weep!

(We found you pale and quiet, and strangely crowned with flowers,
Lovely and secret as a child. You came with us,
Came happily, hand in hand with the young dancing hours,
High on the downs at dawn!) Void now and tenebrous,

The grey sands curve before me. . . .
Fr...Read more of this...

by Southey, Robert
...This is the place where William's kingly power
Did from their poor and peaceful homes expel,
Unfriended, desolate, and shelterless,
The habitants of all the fertile track
Far as these wilds extend. He levell'd down
Their little cottages, he bade their fields
Lie barren, so that o'er the forest waste
He might most royally pursue his sports!
If that thine heart be human, Passenger!
Sure it will swell within thee, and thy lips
Will mutter curses on...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
High actions. But wherewith to be achieved?
Great acts require great means of enterprise;
Thou art unknown, unfriended, low of birth,
A carpenter thy father known, thyself
Bred up in poverty and straits at home,
Lost in a desert here and hunger-bit.
Which way, or from what hope, dost thou aspire
To greatness? whence authority deriv'st?
What followers, what retinue canst thou gain,
Or at thy heels the dizzy multitude, 
Longer than thou canst feed them on thy co...Read more of this...

by Drinkwater, John
...he hawthorn spread
Are withered in untimely burial,
So love, occasion gone, his crown puts by,
And as a beggar walks unfriended ways,
With but remembered beauty to defy
The frozen sorrows of unsceptred days.
Or in that later travelling he comes
Upon a bleak oblivion, and tells
Himself, again, again, forgotten tombs
Are all now that love was, and blindly spells
His royal state of old a glory cursed,
Saying 'I have forgot', and that's the worst.
II 	If we sh...Read more of this...

by Hecht, Anthony
...ams the toothless, dwarfed, and squinny-eyed
Started a joyful rumor that he had died
.......Unfriended and alone.

The doctors were confounded. In his distress, he
Put aside arrogant ways and condescended
To seek among the flocks where they were tended
.......By the youngest son of Jesse,

A shepherd boy, but goodly to look upon,
Unnoticed but God-favored, sturdy of limb
As Michelangelo later imagined him,
.....Read more of this...

by Aiken, Conrad
Heard the sad horn of Senlin slowly blown? 
For somewhere, in the worlds-in-worlds about us, 
He changes still, unfriended and alone. 
Is he the star on which we walk at daybreak, 
The light that blinds our eyes? 
'Senlin!' we cry. 'Senlin!' again . . . no answer: 
Only the soulless brilliance of blue skies.

Yet we would say, this was no man at all, 
But a dream we dreamed, and vividly recall; 
And we are mad to walk in wind and rain 
Hoping t...Read more of this...

by Sassoon, Siegfried
...e you here with all your watches ended? 
From Ypres to Frise we sought you in the Line.’ 
In bitter safety I awake, unfriended; 
And while the dawn begins with slashing rain
I think of the Battalion in the mud. 
‘When are you going out to them again? 
Are they not still your brothers through our blood?’...Read more of this...

by Morris, William
...r horse treads down alone
The sere damp fern, night after night you sit
Holding the bridle like a man of stone,
Dismal, unfriended: what thing comes of it?

And what if Palomydes also ride,
And over many a mountain and bare heath
Follow the questing beast with none beside?
Is he not able still to hold his breath

With thoughts of Iseult? doth he not grow pale
With weary striving, to seem best of all
To her, "as she is best," he saith? to fail
Is nothing to him, he can never f...Read more of this...

by Bowles, William Lisle;
And Sorrow, listening to a lost friend's knell,
Long banished from the world's insulting throng;
With thee, and thy unfriended offspring, dwell....Read more of this...

by Jong, Erica
for two weeks in jail, and lived on dark bread;
how he fled the border to a country
which disappeared wars ago; unfriended
crossed a continent while this century
began. He seldom speaks of painting now.
Young men have time and theories; old men work.
He has painted countless portraits. Sallow
nameless faces, made glistening in oil, smirk
above anonymous mantelpieces.
The turpentine has a familiar smell,
but his hand trembles with odd, new palsies.<...Read more of this...

by Aiken, Conrad
...d it was not you I saw with anger.
Instead, I rose and beat at steel-walled fate,
Cried till I lay exhausted, sick, unfriended,
That life, so seeming sure, and love, so certain,
Should loose such tricks, be so abruptly ended,
Ring down so suddenly an unlooked-for curtain.

How could I find it in my heart to hurt you,
You, whom this love could hurt much more than I?
No, you were pitiful, and I gave you pity;
And only hated you when I saw you cry.
We were two dupes;...Read more of this...

by Wordsworth, William
... Why will ye thus my suit repel?  Why of your further aid bereave me?  And can ye thus unfriended leave me?  Ye muses! whom I love so well.   Who's yon, that, near the waterfall,  Which thunders down with headlong force,  Beneath the moon, yet shining fair,  As careless as if nothing were,  Sits upright on a feeding horse?   Unto his...Read more of this...

by Lanier, Sidney
...s head, and struck
The dagger with so featly stroke and full
That blade flew up and hilt flew down, and left
Lord Raoul unfriended of his weapon.
The fool cried shrilly, "Shall a knight of France
Go stabbing his own cattle?" And Lord Raoul,
Calm with a changing mood, sat still and called:
"Here, huntsmen, 'tis my will ye seize the hind
That broke my dagger, bind him to this tree
And slice both ears to hair-breadth of his head,
To be his bloody token of regret
That he...Read more of this...

by Southey, Robert
...or the ills thy life has known
As thro' the world's long pilgrimage, alone,
Haunted by Poverty and woe-begone,
Unloved, unfriended, thou didst journey on:
Thy youth in ignorance and labour past,
And thine old age all barrenness and blast!
Hard was thy Fate, which, while it doom'd to woe,
Denied thee wisdom to support the blow;
And robb'd of all its energy thy mind,
Ere yet it cast thee on thy fellow-kind,
Abject of thought, the victim of distress,
To wander in the world's wid...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Unfriended poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs