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Famous Tooth And Nail Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Tooth And Nail poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous tooth and nail poems. These examples illustrate what a famous tooth and nail poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also: a notice for the fellows from abaft -- 
But the smell an' dirt's a warnin' to the first-salooners, aft; 
With their tooth and nail-brush, aft, 
With their cuffs 'n' collars, aft -- 
Their cigars an' books an' papers, an' their cap-peaks fore-'n'-aft. 

I want to breathe the mornin' breeze that blows against the boat, 
For there's a swellin' in my heart -- a tightness in my throat -- 
We are for'ard when there's trouble! We are for'ard when there's graft! 
But the men ...Read more of this...
by Lawson, Henry

...o the bone
 And taught by pain and fear,
He learned to deal the far-off stone,
 And poke the long, safe spear.

So tooth and nail were obsolete
 As means against a foe,
Till, bored by uniform defeat,
 Some genius built the bow.

Then stone and javelin proved as vain
 As old-time tooth and nail;
Till, spurred anew by fear and pain,
 Man fashioned coats of mail.

Then was there safety for the rich
 And danger for the poor,
Till someone mixed a powder which
 Redress...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
..., peace seems all.
Saint Praxed's ever was the church for peace;
And so, about this tomb of mine. I fought
With tooth and nail to save my niche, ye know:
-- Old Gandolf cozened me, despite my care;
Shrewd was that snatch from out the corner South
He graced his carrion with, God curse the same!
Yet still my niche is not so cramped but thence
One sees the pulpit o' the epistle-side,
And somewhat of the choir, those silent seats,
And up into the very dome where live
The ...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert
He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

When Nag the basking cobra hears the careless foot of man,
He will sometimes wriggle sideways and avoid it if he can.
But his mate makes no such motion where she camps beside the trail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

When the early J...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
...hairy paw, with one tremendous clout
He landed on the barber's jaw, and knocked the barber out.
He set to work with tooth and nail, he made the place a wreck;
He grabbed the nearest gilded youth, and tried to break his neck.
And all the while his throat he held to save his vital spark,
And "Murder! Bloody Murder!" yelled the man from Ironbark.

A peeler man who heard the din came in to see the show;
He tried to run the bushman in, but he refused to go.
And whe...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton

So true, so confident, so passing fair, 
That thought of Love as some sweet, tender thing, 
And not as war, red tooth and nail laid bare, 
How in that hour its innocence was slain, 
How from that hour our disillusion dates, 
When first we learned thy sense, ironical refrain, 
She will not come, the woman that he waits....Read more of this...
by Seeger, Alan
...he stole, but his we cannot find:
We have handled him, we have dandled him, we have seared him to the bone,
And sure if tooth and nail show truth he has no soul of his own."
The Devil he bowed his head on his breast and rumbled deep and low: --
"I'm all o'er-sib to Adam's breed that I should bid him go.
Yet close we lie, and deep we lie, and if I gave him place,
My gentlemen that are so proud would flout me to my face;
They'd call my house a common stews and me a care...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things