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Famous Time After Time Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Time After Time poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous time after time poems. These examples illustrate what a famous time after time poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Tebb, Barry
...In the empty silence of Roundhay’s dawn,

The park stretching away in trees and mist

And morning frost.


Time after time

Time out of mind

I have searched for you,

Unending as my song

The search is going on.


They have washed the town hall walls and made new

The stones; Back Lane was demolished a week after I found it;

The gas lamp anchored to the wall is gone, the cobbles

Sold off, the steel base of an office block already raised.

Uppe...Read more of this...

by Rich, Adrienne
...concrete and everlasting world
what in fact I keep choosing 

are these words, these whispers, conversations
from which time after time the truth breaks moist and green....Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...te his letter on a page
 Of paper with a satin grain;
It did not ring, so in a rage
 He tore it up and tried again.
Time after time he drafted it;
 He polished it all through the night;
He tuned and pruned till bit by bit
 He got it right.

He took his letter to the post,
 Yet long he held it in his hand.
Strangely his mood had veered, almost
 Reversed,--he could not understand.
The girl was vague, the words were vain;
 April romance had come to grief . .<...Read more of this...

by Rilke, Rainer Maria> And his giant grief
is, like his giant jubilation, far too
great for us. And so we tear ourselves away
from him time after time, remaining only
mouths. But unexepectedly and secretly
the giant heartbeat enters our being,
so that we scream ----,
and are transformed in being and in countenance....Read more of this...

by Khayyam, Omar never to breathe an instant
without a cup of wine in hand. When the breath of
Aurora makes itself felt, arise and, time after time, empty
the cup, for [as I have told you] this Dawn will breathe
for long, long years when we no longer breathe....Read more of this...

by Keats, John
...rothers, with an eye all pale,
Striving to be itself, what dungeon climes
Could keep him off so long? They spake a tale
Time after time, to quiet her. Their crimes
Came on them, like a smoke from Hinnom's vale;
And every night in dreams they groan'd aloud,
To see their sister in her snowy shroud.

And she had died in drowsy ignorance,
But for a thing more deadly dark than all;
It came like a fierce potion, drunk by chance,
Which saves a sick man from the fe...Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry out entirely for the troubles you gave

Accusing like Zola those poetic whores

Who sold themselves to fashion when time after time

Your passions brought you to your knees, lashing

At those poetasters when their puffed-up slime

Won the medals and the prizes time after time

And got them all the limelight while your books

Were quietly ignored, the better you wrote,

The fewer got bought.

Belatedly I found a poem of yours ‘Leeds 2’

In ‘Flashpoint’, a paint-stained...Read more of this...

by von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
...OLD age is courteous--no one more:
For time after time he knocks at the door,
But nobody says, "Walk in, sir, pray!"
Yet turns he not from the door away,
But lifts the latch, and enters with speed.
And then they cry "A cool one, indeed!"

 1814....Read more of this...

by Blake, William
...ill go on
Till the Heavens and Earth are gone,
Still admir'd by noble minds,
Follow'd by Envy on the winds,
Re-engrav'd time after time,
Ever in their youthful prime,
My designs unchang'd remain.
Time may rage, but rage in vain.
For above Time's troubled fountains,
On the great Atlantic Mountains,
In my Golden House on high,
There they shine eternally....Read more of this...

by Tagore, Rabindranath I will soon return.
To tell you the truth I have the
same doubt in my mind.
For the spring days come again 
time after time; the full moon takes
leave and comes on another visit,
the flowers come again and blush
upon their branches year after year,
and it is likely that I take my leave
only to come to you again.
But keep the illusion awhile; do
not send it away with ungentle
When I say I leave you for all 
time, accept it as true, and let a
mist of ...Read more of this...

by Dickey, James
...yed, contained, and alone
Among the weeds,

And my fingertips turned into stone
From clutching immovable blackness.
Time after time I leapt upward
Exploding in breath, and fell back
From the change in the children's faces
At my defeat.

Beneath them I swam to the boathouse
With only my life in my arms
To wait for the lake to shine back
At the risen moon with such power
That my steps on the light of the ripples
Might be sustained.

Beneath me is nothing but brightn...Read more of this...

by Atwood, Margaret back from you like a wave
and you can't breathe.

No, they whisper. You own nothing.
You were a visitor, time after time
climbing the hill, planting the flag, proclaiming.
We never belonged to you.
You never found us.
It was always the other way round....Read more of this...

by Blake, William
.... Palamabron gave an abstract Law: 
To Pythagoras Socrates & Plato. 

Times rolled on o'er all the sons of Har, time after time 
Orc on Mount Atlas howld, chain'd down with the Chain of Jealousy 
Then Oothoon hoverd over Judah & Jerusalem 
And Jesus heard her voice (a man of sorrows) he recievd 
A Gospel from wretched Theotormon. 

The human race began to wither, for the healthy built 
Secluded places, fearing the joys of Love 
And the disease'd only propagated: 
...Read more of this...

by Lawrence, D. H.
...e last plasm of my body was melted back
To the primeval rudiments of life, and the secret.

So he tups, and screams
Time after time that frail, torn scream
After each jerk, the longish interval,
The tortoise eternity,
Age-long, reptilian persistence,
Heart-throb, slow heart-throb, persistent for the next spasm.

I remember, when I was a boy,
I heard the scream of a frog, which was caught with his foot in the mouth of an up-starting snake;
I remember when I first heard...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Time After Time poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things