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Famous Throw Down Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Throw Down poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous throw down poems. These examples illustrate what a famous throw down poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Watts, Isaac
...h th' eternal load:
"With endless burnings who can dwell?
Or bear the fury of a God?"

Tremble, ye sinners, and submit,
Throw down your arms before his throne;
Bend your heads low beneath his feet,
Or his strong hand shall crush you down.

And ye, blest saints, that love him too,
With rev'rence bow before his name;
Thus all his heav'nly servants do:
God is a bright and burning flame....Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...m wearies, Love had wings –
Wealth makes burdens, Pleasure stings, 
Glory proves a thorny crown –
So all gifts the gods throw down
Bring their pains and troubles after; 
All save Momus, god of laughter.
He alone gives constant joy.
Hail to Momus, happy boy....Read more of this...

by Brooke, Rupert
...m strange smell of clover;
Clear-visioned, though it break you; far apart
From the dead best, the dear and old delight;
Throw down your dreams of immortality,
O faithful, O foolish lover!
Here's peace for you, and surety; here the one
Wisdom -- the truth! -- "All day the good glad sun
Showers love and labour on you, wine and song;
The greenwood laughs, the wind blows, all day long
Till night." And night ends all things.
Then shall be
No lamp relumed in heaven, no voic...Read more of this...

by Yeats, William Butler
...on the flood, or a wolf sucked under a weir.

It were sad to gaze on the blessed and no man I loved of old there;
I throw down the chain of small stones! when life in my body has ceased,
I will go to Caoilte, and Conan, and Bran, Sceolan, Lomair,
And dwell in the house of the Fenians, be they in flames or at feast....Read more of this...

by Wilmot, John
...To this moment a rebel I throw down my arms,
Great Love, at first sight of Olinda's bright charms.
Make proud and secure by such forces as these,
You may now play the tyrant as soon as you please.

When Innocence, Beauty, and Wit do conspire
To betray, and engage, and inflame my Desire,
Why should I decline what I cannot avoid?
And let pleasing Hope by base Fear be destroyed...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Throw Down poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs