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Famous Sumach Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Sumach poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous sumach poems. These examples illustrate what a famous sumach poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Sandburg, Carl
Buy shirts
 to sleep outdoors when May comes.

 Buy me
something useless to remember you by.
 Send me
a sumach leaf from an Illinois hill.

 In the faces marching in the firelog flickers,
In the fire music of wood singing to winter,
Make my face march through the purple and ashes.
Make me one of the fire singers to winter....Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...nner savage joy express.
The Indian captives, blanketed in red, 
On ponies mounted, by the scouts are led.
Like sumach bushes, etched on evening skies, 
Against the blue-clad troops, this patch of color lies.

High o'er the scene vast music billows bound, 
And all the air is liquid with the sound
Of those invisible compelling waves.
Perchance they reach the low and lonely graves
Where sleep brave Elliott and Hamilton, 
And whisper there the tale of v...Read more of this...

by Smart, Christopher

Let Gaba rejoice with the Prickly Pear, which the Cochineal feeds on. 

Let Nebo rejoice with the Myrtle-Leaved-Sumach as with the Skirret Jub. 2d. 

Let Magbish rejoice with the Sage-Tree Phlomis as with the Goatsbeard Jub: 2d. 

Let Hashum rejoice with Moon-Trefoil. 

Let Netophah rejoice with Cow-Wheat. 

Let Chephirah rejoice with Millet. 

Let Beeroth rejoice with Sea-Buckthorn. 

Let Kirjath-arim rejoice with Cacalianthemum. 

Let...Read more of this...

by Sandburg, Carl
...IF you never came with a pigeon rainbow purple
Shining in the six o’clock September dusk:
If the red sumach on the autumn roads
Never danced on the flame of your eyelashes:
If the red-haws never burst in a million
Crimson fingertwists of your heartcrying:
If all this beauty of yours never crushed me
Then there are many flying acres of birds for me,
Many drumming gray wings going home I shall see,
Many crying voices riding the north wind....Read more of this...

by Sandburg, Carl a million years.
I will never know your dark eyes again.
These are three ghosts I keep.
These are three sumach-red dogs I run with.

All of it wraps and knots to a riddle:
I have the moon, the timberline, and you.
All three are gone—and I keep all three....Read more of this...

by Sandburg, Carl, johnny-jump-ups, grassroots, springs of running water or rivers or lakes or high spreading trees or hazel bushes or sumach or thorn-apple branches or high in the air the bird nest with spotted blue eggs shaken in the roaming wind of the treetops—

So it is scrawled here,
“I direct and devise
So and so and such and such,”
And this is the last word.
There is nothing more to it.

In a shanty out in the Wilderness, ghosts of to-morrow sit, waiting to come and go, to d...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Sumach poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things