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Famous Sultans Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Sultans poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous sultans poems. These examples illustrate what a famous sultans poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Lindsay, Vachel
...r too long.
Serve them in vessels of jade and of shell,
Serve them with fruit and with song:--
Wines of pre-Adamite Sultans
Digged from beneath the black seas:--
New-gathered dew from the heavens
Dripped down from Heaven's sweet trees,
Cups from the angels' pale tables
That will make me both handsome and wise,
For I have beheld her, the princess,
Firelight and starlight her eyes.
Pauper I am, I would woo her.
And--let me drink wine, to begin,
Though the Koran expr...Read more of this...

by Chesterton, G K a straggling road in Spain, 
Up which a lean and foolish knight for ever rides in vain, 
And he smiles, but not as Sultans smile, and settles back the blade.... 
(But Don John of Austria rides home from the Crusade.)...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...places not entirely intelligible.] 

(18) "Azrael," the angel of death. 

(19) The treasures of the Pre-Adamite Sultans. See D'Herbelot, article Istakar. 

(20) "Musselim," a governor, the next in rank after a Pacha; a Waywode is the third; and then come the Agas. 

(21) "Egripo" — the Negropont. According to the proverb, the Turks of Egrip, the Jews of Salonica, and the Greeks of Athens are the worst of their respective races. 

(22) "Tchocadar," ...Read more of this...

by Hugo, Victor
...heir mean life-blood showers? 
 Think only of our banquets 
 Brought and served by charming girls, 
 For beauties sultans must adorn 
 As dagger-hilts the pearls. 


...Read more of this...

by Seeger, Alan
...My spirit only lived to look on Beauty's face,
As only when they clasp the arms seem served aright;
As in their flesh inheres the impulse to embrace,
To gaze on Loveliness was my soul's appetite.

I have roamed far in search; white road and plunging bow
Were keys in the blue doors where my desire was set;
Obedient to their lure, my lips and laughing br...Read more of this...

by Khayyam, Omar
...This wheel of heaven which tells its secrets to no man,
has killed a thousand Mahmouds [Sultans] and a thousand
Ayaz [favorites]; drink wine, for the life of none
shall ever be restored. Alas! not one of all those who
left the world can again return!...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Sultans poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs