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Famous Stepping Out Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Stepping Out poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous stepping out poems. These examples illustrate what a famous stepping out poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Lowell, Amy
Of purple batteries, every gun in place.
Forward they come, with flaunting colours spread,
With torches burning, stepping out in time
To some quick, unheard march. Our ears are dead,
We cannot catch the tune. In pantomime
Parades that army. With our utmost powers
We hear the wind stream through a bed of flowers....Read more of this...

by Wagoner, David
...e going,
Holding yourself momentarily in the posture
Of an awestruck pilgrim at the gate-though you know
You'll only be stepping out against the scrim
Or a wobbly flat daubed with a landscape,
A scribble of leaves, a hint of flowers,
The bare suggestion of a garden....Read more of this...

by Ashbery, John
...orld, as they sat
and thought about what they'd do after using the toilet
and washing their hands at the sink, prior to stepping out
into the open again.Had they been coaxed in by principles,
and were their words philosophy, of however crude a sort?
I confess I can move no farther along this train of thought--
something's blocking it.Something I'm 
not big enough to see over.Or maybe I'm frankly scared.
What was the matter with how I acted before?
But maybe I ...Read more of this...

by Field, Edward
...They say the ice will hold
so there I go,
forced to believe them by my act of trusting people,
stepping out on it,

and naturally it gaps open
and I, forced to carry on coolly
by my act of being imperturbable,
slide erectly into the water wearing my captain's helmet,
waving to the shore with a sad smile,
"Goodbye my darlings, goodbye dear one,"
as the ice meets again over my head with a click....Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Stepping Out poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs