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Famous Steeper Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Steeper poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous steeper poems. These examples illustrate what a famous steeper poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Browne, William
So when the climber half the way had got,
Musing he stood, and busily 'gan plot
How (since the mount did always steeper tend)
He might with steps secure his journey end.
At last (as wand'ring boys to gather nuts)
A hooked pole he from a hazel cuts;
Now throws it here, then there to take some hold,
But bootless and in vain, the rocky mould
Admits no cranny where his hazel hook
Might promise him a step, till in a nook
Somewhat above his reach he hath espied
A little...Read more of this...

by Bowers, Edgar
...and she
Up half the night to read them once again
Through her pince-nez, under a single lamp.
Across the road, on a steeper hill, the settlers
Set a house, unpainted, the porch fallen in,
The road a red clay strip without a bridge,
A shallow stream that liked to overflow.
Oliver Brand’s mules pulled our station wagon
Out of the gluey mire, earth’s rust. Then, here
And there, back from the road, the specimen
Shrubs and small trees my father planted, some
Taller tha...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...ems less bright,
 Birds less gladly sing;
Moons don't thrill me with delight,
 There's no kick in Spring.
Hills are steeper now and I'm
 Sensitive to cold;
Lines are not so keen to rhyme . . .
 Gosh! I'm growing old.

Yet in spite of failing things
 I've no cause to grieve;
Age with all its ailing brings
 Blessings, I believe:
Kindo' gentles up the mind
 As the hope we hold
That with loving we will find
Friendliness in human kind,
 Grace in growing old.Read more of this...

by Finch, Anne Kingsmill
...unruly Elves; 
But 'tis the Mob's delight to help Themselves: 
Whilst your high Brood must with the meanest drop, 
And steeper be their Fall, as next the Top; 
Unless you soon to Jupiter repair, 
And let him know, the Case demands his Care. 

Oh! May the Trunk but stand, 'till you come back! 
But hark! already sure, I hear it crack. 
Away, away---The Eagle, all agast, 
Soars to the Sky, nor falters in her haste: 
Whilst crafty Puss, now o'er the Eyry reigns, 
Repleni...Read more of this...

by Betjeman, John

He knew how on a summer day
The sea's deep blue grew deeper,
How evening shadows over Bray
Made that round hill look steeper.

He knew the ocean mists that rose
And seemed for ever staying,
When moaned the foghorn from Trevose
And nobody was playing;

The flip of cards on winter eves,
The whisky and the scoring,
As trees outside were stripped of leaves
And heavy seas were roaring.

He died when early April light
Showed red his garden sally
And under pale green spea...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...ide --
So I shall never fall --
For we must ride to the Judgment --
And it's partly, down Hill --

But never I mind the steeper --
And never I mind the Sea --
Held fast in Everlasting Race --
By my own Choice, and Thee --

Goodbye to the Life I used to live --
And the World I used to know --
And kiss the Hills, for me, just once --
Then -- I am ready to go!...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Steeper poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things