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Famous Steamers Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Steamers poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous steamers poems. These examples illustrate what a famous steamers poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Whitman, Walt
—How elate I stood and watch’d you, where, starting off, you march’d!

Pass;—then rattle, drums, again! 
Scream, you steamers on the river, out of whistles loud and shrill, your salutes! 
For an army heaves in sight—O another gathering army! 
Swarming, trailing on the rear—O you dread, accruing army! 
O you regiments so piteous, with your mortal diarrhoea! with your fever!
O my land’s maimed darlings! with the plenteous bloody bandage and the crutch! 
Lo! your pallid army ...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...h filled the passengers' hearts with dismay. 

But, thanks be to God! all the passengers were sent to Dundee
By the Steamers Renown, Forfarshire, Protector, and the Lass o' Gowrie,
Which certainly was a most beautiful sight to see,
When they landed 900 passengers safe on the pier at Dundee. 

Then, good people, away to the mountains, glens, and lakes,
And drink of milk and pure water, and eat oaten cakes;
And sit down on the margin of a little burn in the sunshine,
An...Read more of this...

by Lawson, Henry on the rivers long strings of their barges pass. 

. . . . . . . 

But still are the steamers loading with our timber and wood and gold, 

To return with the costly shoddy stacked high in the foreign hold, 

With cardboard boots for our leather, and Brum-magem goods and slops 

For thin, white-faced Australians to sell in our sordid shops....Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...ide the spars,
The round masts, the swinging motion of the hulls, the slender serpentine pennants, 
The large and small steamers in motion, the pilots in their pilot-houses, 
The white wake left by the passage, the quick tremulous whirl of the wheels, 
The flags of all nations, the falling of them at sun-set, 
The scallop-edged waves in the twilight, the ladled cups, the frolicsome crests and
The stretch afar growing dimmer and dimmer, the gray walls of the grani...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...mine estate --
Mother of Cities to me,
 For I was born in her gate,
Between the palms and the sea,
 Where the world-end steamers wait.)

Now for this debt I owe,
 And for her far-borne cheer
Must I make haste and go
 With tribute to her pier.

And she shall touch and remit
 After the use of kings
(Orderly, ancient, fit)
 My deep-sea plunderings,
And purchase in all lands.
 And this we do for a sign
Her power is over mine,
 And mine I hold at her hands!...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...mine estate --
Mother of Cities to me,
 For I was born in her gate,
Between the palms and the sea,
 Where the world-end steamers wait.)

Now for this debt I owe,
 And for her far-borne cheer
Must I make haste and go
 With tribute to her pier.

And she shall touch and remit
 After the use of kings
(Orderly, ancient, fit)
 My deep-sea plunderings,
And purchase in all lands.
 And this we do for a sign
Her power is over mine,
 And mine I hold at her hands!...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
Which seemed to me like wild geese cackling in the air:
And the river Thames is a most beautiful sight,
To see the steamers sailing upon it by day and by night. 

And the Tower of London is most gloomy to behold,
And the crown of Englandlies there, begemmed with precious stones and gold;
King Henry the Sixth was murdered there by the Duke of Glo'ster,
And when he killed him with his sword he called him an impostor. 

St. Paul's Cathedral is the finest buildin...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...unded by mountains and trees most grand. 
The mountains on either side of it are beautiful to be seen,
Likewise the steamers sailing on it with their clouds of steam:
And their shadows on its crystal waters as they pass along,
Is enough to make the tourist burst into song. 

Then away to Loch Katrine in the summer time,
And feast on its scenery most lovely and sublime;
There's no other scene can surpass in fair Scotland,
It's surrounded by mountains and trees most gra...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...ttle banjo an' she'd sing "Kulla-lo-lo!"
With 'er arm upon my shoulder an' 'er cheek agin' my cheek
We useter watch the steamers an' the hathis pilin' teak.
 Elephints a-pilin' teak
 In the sludgy, squdgy creek,
 Where the silence 'ung that 'eavy you was 'arf afraid to speak!
 On the road to Mandalay . . .

But that's all shove be'ind me -- long ago an' fur away,
An' there ain't no 'busses runnin' from the Bank to Mandalay;
An' I'm learnin' 'ere in London what...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...currents, the little islands, larger adjoining islands, the heights, the
The countless masts, the white shore-steamers, the lighters, the ferry-boats, the black
 sea-steamers well-model’d;
The down-town streets, the jobbers’ houses of business—the houses of business of
 ship-merchants, and money-brokers—the river-streets; 
Immigrants arriving, fifteen or twenty thousand in a week; 
The carts hauling goods—the manly race of drivers of horses—the brown-faced
 sai...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt

O boating on the rivers! 
The voyage down the Niagara, (the St. Lawrence,)—the superb scenery—the
The ships sailing—the Thousand Islands—the occasional timber-raft, and the
 with long-reaching sweep-oars, 
The little huts on the rafts, and the stream of smoke when they cook their supper at

O something pernicious and dread! 
Something far away from a puny and pious life! 
Something unproved! Something in a trance! 
Some...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...s, heaving breast, thy ships: 
See! where their white sails, bellying in the wind, speckle the green and blue!
See! thy steamers coming and going, steaming in or out of port! 
See! dusky and undulating, their long pennants of smoke! 

Behold, in Oregon, far in the north and west, 
Or in Maine, far in the north and east, thy cheerful axemen, 
Wielding all day their axes!

Behold, on the lakes, thy pilots at their wheels—thy oarsmen! 
Behold how the ash writhes under those musc...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...a and China and Australia, and the thousand island paradises of the Pacific; 
Populous cities—the latest inventions—the steamers on the rivers—the railroads—with
 many a thrifty farm, with machinery, 
And wool, and wheat, and the grape—and diggings of yellow gold. 

But more in you than these, Lands of the Western Shore!
(These but the means, the implements, the standing-ground,) 
I see in you, certain to come, the promise of thousands of years, till now deferr’d, 
Prom...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...have been calm within me! how I feel you, fathomless, stirring,
 preparing unprecedented waves and storms.

19See! steamers steaming through my poems! 
See, in my poems immigrants continually coming and landing; 
See, in arriere, the wigwam, the trail, the hunter’s hut, the flatboat, the
 maize-leaf, the claim, the rude fence, and the backwoods village; 
See, on the one side the Western Sea, and on the other the Eastern Sea, how they
 advance and retreat upon my poems, a...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...han the average English are.
We'll meet you with a carriage,
 Too glad to show you round,
But -- we do not lunch on steamers,
 For they are English ground.

We sail o' nights to England
 And join our smiling Boards --
Our wives go in with Viscounts
 And our daughters dance with Lords,
But behind our princely doings,
 And behind each coup we make,
We feel there's Something Waiting,
 And -- we meet It when we wake.

Ah God! One sniff of England --
 To greet our fles...Read more of this...

by Kipling, Rudyard
...roadstead -- I plundered Singapore!
I set my hand on the Hoogli; as a hooded snake she rose,
And I flung your stoutest steamers to roost with the startled crows.

"Never the lotus closes, never the wild-fowl wake,
But a soul goes out on the East Wind that died for England's sake --
Man or woman or suckling, mother or bride or maid --
Because on the bones of the English the English Flag is stayed.

"The desert-dust hath dimmed it, the flying wild-ass knows,
The scared...Read more of this...

by Lawson, Henry
...he Great All Giver, 
`The Word to a people: O! lock your river. 

`I want no blistering barge aground, 
`But racing steamers the seasons round; 
`I want fair homes on my lonely ways, 
`A people's love and a people's praise -- 
`And rosy children to dive and swim -- 
`And fair girls' feet in my rippling brim; 
`And cool, green forests and gardens ever' -- 
Oh, this is the hymn of the Darling River. 

The sky is brass and the scrub-lands glare, 
Death and ruin are every...Read more of this...

by Masefield, John
The waters hurrying shoreward without end. 

Haze blotted out the river's lowest reach; 
Out of the gloom the steamers, passing by, 
Called with their sirens, hooting their sea-speech; 
Out of the dimness others made reply. 

And as we watched, there came a rush of feet 
Charging the fo'c's'le till the hatchway shook. 
Men all about us thrust their way, or beat, 
Crying, "Wanderer! Down the river! Look!" 

I looked with them towards the dimness; there 
Gleam...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth lips. 

Sandwich and Romney, Hastings, Hithe, and Dover, 
Were all alert that day, 10 
To see the French war-steamers speeding over, 
When the fog cleared away. 

Sullen and silent, and like couchant lions, 
Their cannon, through the night, 
Holding their breath, had watched, in grim defiance, 15 
The sea-coast opposite. 

And now they roared at drum-beat from their stations, 
On every citadel; 
Each answering each, with morning salutations, 
Tha...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Steamers poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things