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Famous Stays Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Stays poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous stays poems. These examples illustrate what a famous stays poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Pope, Alexander
...s Way,
Reflect new Glories, and augment the Day.

Be thou the first true Merit to befriend;
His Praise is lost, who stays till All commend;
Short is the Date, alas, of Modern Rhymes;
And 'tis but just to let 'em live betimes.
No longer now that Golden Age appears,
When Patriarch-Wits surviv'd thousand Years;
Now Length of Fame (our second Life) is lost,
And bare Threescore is all ev'n That can boast:
Our Sons their Fathers' failing language see,
And such as Chaucer is...Read more of this...

by Larkin, Philip
...smell, nothing to think with,
Nothing to love or link with,
The anaesthetic from which none come round.

And so it stays just on the edge of vision,
A small unfocused blur, a standing chill
That slows each impulse down to indecision.
Most things may never happen: this one will,
And realisation of it rages out
In furnace-fear when we are caught without
People or drink. Courage is no good:
It means not scaring others. Being brave
Lets no one off the grave.
...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...spoken your home-truths: 
The hand's mine now, and here you follow suit. 

Thus much conceded, still the first fact stays-- 
You do despise me; your ideal of life 
Is not the bishop's: you would not be I. 
You would like better to be Goethe, now, 
Or Buonaparte, or, bless me, lower still, 
Count D'Orsay,--so you did what you preferred, 
Spoke as you thought, and, as you cannot help, 
Believed or disbelieved, no matter what, 
So long as on that point, whate'er it was, ...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...ost thyself 
The fortunate of men? "For" (writest thou) 
"Thou leavest much behind, while I leave nought. 
Thy life stays in the poems men shall sing, 
The pictures men shall study; while my life, 
Complete and whole now in its power and joy, 
Dies altogether with my brain and arm, 
Is lost indeed; since, what survives myself? 
The brazen statue to o'erlook my grave, 
Set on the promontory which I named. 
And that--some supple courtier of my heir 
Shall use its robed ...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...water-nymphs, and sings.

By the rushy-fringed bank,
Where grows the willow and the osier dank,
 My sliding chariot stays,
Thick set with agate, and the azurn sheen
Of turkis blue, and emerald green,
 That in the channel strays;
Whilst from off the waters fleet
Thus I set my printless feet
O'er the cowslip's velvet head,
 That bends not as I tread.
Gentle swain, at thy request
 I am here!

 SPIR. Goddess dear,
We implore thy powerful hand
To undo the charmed band
...Read more of this...

by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
...might else forget
That old world's brand;
Dead all their sins and days;
Yet in this red clime's rays
Some fiery memory stays
That sears their land.

THE year lies fallen and faded
On cliffs by clouds invaded,
With tongues of storms upbraided,
With wrath of waves bedinned;
And inland, wild with warning,
As in deaf ears or scorning,
The clarion even and morning
Rings of the south-west wind.

The wild bents wane and wither
In blasts whose brea...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
And many more when Modred raised revolt, 
Forgetful of their troth and fealty, clave 
To Modred, and a remnant stays with me. 
And of this remnant will I leave a part, 
True men who love me still, for whom I live, 
To guard thee in the wild hour coming on, 
Lest but a hair of this low head be harmed. 
Fear not: thou shalt be guarded till my death. 
Howbeit I know, if ancient prophecies 
Have erred not, that I march to meet my doom. 
Thou hast not made...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...the windy halls of heaven
And here he glances on an eye new-born,
And gets for greeting but a wail of pain;
And here he stays upon a freezing orb
That fain would gaze upon him to the last; 
And here upon a yellow eyelid fallen
And closed by those who mourn a friend in vain,
Not thankful that his troubles are no more.
And me, altho' his fire is on my face
Blinding, he sees not, nor at all can tell
Whether I mean this day to end myself.
Or lend an ear to Plato where he ...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...seest, fair Creature, is thyself; 
'With thee it came and goes: but follow me, 
'And I will bring thee where no shadow stays 
'Thy coming, and thy soft embraces, he 
'Whose image thou art; him thou shalt enjoy 
'Inseparably thine, to him shalt bear 
'Multitudes like thyself, and thence be called 
'Mother of human race.' What could I do, 
But follow straight, invisibly thus led? 
Till I espied thee, fair indeed and tall, 
Under a platane; yet methought less fair, 
Less wi...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
..., still shades thee, and protects. 
The wife, where danger or dishonour lurks, 
Safest and seemliest by her husband stays, 
Who guards her, or with her the worst endures. 
To whom the virgin majesty of Eve, 
As one who loves, and some unkindness meets, 
With sweet austere composure thus replied. 
Offspring of Heaven and Earth, and all Earth's Lord! 
That such an enemy we have, who seeks 
Our ruin, both by thee informed I learn, 
And from the parting Angel over-hea...Read more of this...

by Brautigan, Richard
...hat that looks like either.

 One day the Chinese take a bed out of a room and lean it

up against the wall. It stays there for a month. You get used

to seeing it and then you go by one day and it is gone. You

wonder where it went.

 I remember the first time I went inside Hotel Trout Fish-

ing in America. It was with a friend to meet some people.

 "I'11 tell you what's happening, " he said. "She's an ex-

hustler who works for the telephon...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...motion of brawny young arms and hips in easy costumes;
The constructor of wharves, bridges, piers, bulk-heads, floats, stays against the sea; 
—The city fireman—the fire that suddenly bursts forth in the close-pack’d square, 
The arriving engines, the hoarse shouts, the nimble stepping and daring, 
The strong command through the fire-trumpets, the falling in line, the rise and fall of
 forcing the water, 
The slender, spasmic, blue-white jets—the bringing to bear ...Read more of this...

by Lanier, Sidney
By Church, by throne, by hearth, by every good
That's in the Town of Time, I see thee lurk,
And e'er some shadow stays where thou hast stood.
Thou hand'st sweet Socrates his hemlock sour;
Thou sav'st Barabbas in that hideous hour,
And stabb'st the good

"Deliverer Christ; thou rack'st the souls of men;
Thou tossest girls to lions and boys to flames;
Thou hew'st Crusader down by Saracen;
Thou buildest closets full of secret shames;
Indifferent cruel, thou dost blow ...Read more of this...

by Twain, Mark with straw in mouth,
The wild spray from our bows!

"She balances!
She wavers!
Now let her go about!
If she misses stays and broaches to,
We're all"--then with a shout,]
"Huray! huray!
Avast! belay!
Take in more sail!
Lord, what a gale!
Ho, boy, haul taut on the hind mule's tail!"
"Ho! lighten ship! ho! man the pump!
Ho, hostler, heave the lead!

"A quarter-three!--'tis shoaling fast!
Three feet large!--t-h-r-e-e feet!--
Three feet scant!" I cried in fright
"Oh, is there...Read more of this...

by Chesterton, G K dead on sand;
And the third time men found him
The spear was in his hand.

Seven spears went about Eldred,
Like stays about a mast;
But there was sorrow by the sea
For the driving of the last.

Six spears thrust upon Eldred
Were splintered while he laughed;
One spear thrust into Eldred,
Three feet of blade and shaft.

And from the great heart grievously
Came forth the shaft and blade,
And he stood with the face of a dead man,
Stood a little, and swayed--

Then...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...y a path none other knows aright! 
Behold, at last, 
Each tall and tapering mast 
Is swung into its place; 
Shrouds and stays 
Holding it firm and fast! 
Long ago, 
In the deer-haunted forests of Maine, 
When upon mountain and plain 
Lay the snow, 
They fell, -- those lordly pines! 
Those grand, majestic pines! 
'Mid shouts and cheers 
The jaded steers, 
Panting beneath the goad, 
Dragged down the weary, winding road 
Those captive kings so straight and tall, 
To be shorn of ...Read more of this...

by Wilde, Oscar
In vain sends peace to peaceless lands, to restless nations rest.

Is not yon lingering orange after-glow
That stays to vex the moon more fair than all
Rome's lordliest pageants! strange, a year ago
I knelt before some crimson Cardinal
Who bare the Host across the Esquiline,
And now - those common poppies in the wheat seem twice as fine.

The blue-green beanfields yonder, tremulous
With the last shower, sweeter perfume bring
Through this cool evening than the odo...Read more of this...

by Lowell, Amy
Tap! Squeak! Tap-a-tap!
"Oui, M'sieu."
"Don't touch the letters. My name stays."
"Bien, M'sieu."
"Just take down the eagle, and the shield with the bees."
"As M'sieu pleases."
Tap! Squeak! Tap!
The man on the ladder hammers steadily for a minute or two,
Then stops.
"He! Patron!
They are fastened well, Nom d'un Chien!
What if I break them?"
"Break away,
You and Paul must have them down to-day."
...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...e slight she-slips of royal blood, 
And others, passing praise, 
Straight-laced, but all-too-full in bud 
For puritanic stays: 

"And I have shadow'd many a group 
Of beauties, that were born 
In teacup-times of hood and hoop, 
Or while the patch was worn; 

"And, leg and arm with love-knots gay 
About me leap'd and laugh'd 
The modish Cupid of the day, 
And shrill'd his tinsel shaft. 

"I swear (and else may insects prick 
Each leaf into a gall) 
This girl, for whom your...Read more of this...

by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
...binations touched by the sun's last rays,
On the divan are piled (at night her bed)
Stockings, slippers, camisoles, and stays.
I Tiresias, old man with wrinkled dugs
Perceived the scene, and foretold the rest -
I too awaited the expected guest. 
He, the young man carbuncular, arrives,
A small house agent's clerk, with one bold stare,
One of the low on whom assurance sits
As a silk hat on a Bradford millionaire.
The time is now propitious, as he guesses,
The meal i...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Stays poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things