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Famous Starlike Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Starlike poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous starlike poems. These examples illustrate what a famous starlike poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Nicolson, Adela Florence Cory
...You smiled on me one day,
   And all my life, in glad surprise,
     Leapt up and pleaded "Stay!"
   Alas, oh cruel, starlike eyes,
     So grave and yet so gay,
   You went to lighten other skies,
     Smiled once and passed away.

   Oh, you whom I name "Golden Eyes,"
     Perhaps I used to know
   Your beauty under other skies
     In lives lived long ago.
   Perhaps I rowed with galley slaves,
     Whose labour never ceased,
   To bring across Phoenician wav...Read more of this...

by Carew, Thomas
...He that loves a rosy cheek, 
Or a coral lip admires, 
Or from starlike eyes doth seek 
Fuel to maintain his fires; 
As old Time makes these decay, 
So his flames must waste away. 

But a smooth and steadfast mind, 
Gentle thoughts and calm desires, 
Hearts with equal love combined, 
Kindle never-dying fires. 
Where these are not, I despise 
Lovely cheeks, or lips, or eyes. 

No tears, Celia, now shall win 
...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...elf might safely mark what this might mean. 
He caught a glimpse, as of a floating breast, 
And something glitter'd starlike on the vest, 
But ere he well could mark the buoyant trunk, 
A massy fragment smote it, and it sunk: 
It rose again, but indistinct to view, 
And left the waters of a purple hue, 
Then deeply disappear'd: the horseman gazed 
Till ebb'd the latest eddy it had raised; 
Then turning, vaulted on his pawing steed, 
And instant spurr'd him into panting sp...Read more of this...

by Kilmer, Joyce
...golden lights and lights like wine,
How dim your boasted splendors are.
Behold this little lamp of mine;
It is more starlike than a star!...Read more of this...

by Montgomery, Lucy Maud
...the first rare gleam of day, 
Around the child. 

It was as other children are 
Saving for something in the eyes, 
Starlike and clear and strangely wise­
Then came a sudden thought to me 
Of a lamb I had found on the waste afar; 
Lost and sick with hunger and cold, 
I had brought it back in my arms to the fold 
For tender ministry. 

Dawn had flooded the east as a wave 
When we left the cave; 
All the world suddenly seemed to be 
Young and pure and joyous again; 
The...Read more of this...

by Rich, Adrienne
...nned aloft in your crow's nest,
my speechless pirate!
You take it all for granted
and when I look you back

it's with a starlike eye
shooting its cold and egotistical spear
where it can do least damage.
Breath deep! No hurt, no pardon
out here in the cold with you
you with your back to the wall....Read more of this...

by Aiken, Conrad
...ver rung, 
Chaining it fast to Senlin? Its faint shadow 
Flung, waveringly, where his is flung? 
Does a raindrop dazzle starlike down his length 
Trying his futile strength? 
A snowflake startle him? The stars defeat him? 
Through aeons of dusk have birds above him sung? 
Time is a wind, says Senlin; time, like music, 
Blows over us its mournful beauty, passes, 
And leaves behind a shadowy reflection,—
A helpless gesture of mist above the grasses.


In cold blue lucid d...Read more of this...

by Russell, George William one
Unto the vastness, and with us adore
 The midnight sun,
And enter the innumerable All
 And shine like gold,
And starlike gleam in the immortal’s hall,
 The heavenly fold,
And drink the sun-breaths from the mother’s lips
 Awhile, and then
Fail from the light and drop in dark eclipse
 To earth again,
Roaming along by heaven-hid promontory
 And valley dim,
Weaving a phantom image of the glory
 They knew in Him.
Out of the fulness flow the winds, their song
 Is heard ...Read more of this...

by Teasdale, Sara
...Love in my heart was a fresh tide flowing
 Where the starlike sea gulls soar;
The sun was keen and the foam was blowing
 High on the rocky shore.

But now in the dusk the tide is turning,
 Lower the sea gulls soar,
And the waves that rose in resistless yearning
 Are broken forevermore....Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Starlike poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things