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Famous Stampede Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Stampede poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous stampede poems. These examples illustrate what a famous stampede poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...d the rug that bred them on the floor
And the light breaking on them made them run.
But if I though to stop the wet stampede,
And caught one silver lizard by the tail,
And put my foot on one without avail,
And threw myself wet-elbowed and wet-kneed
In front of twenty others' wriggling speed,--
In the confusion of them all aglitter,
And birds that joined in the excited fun
By doubling and redoubling song and twitter,
I have no doubt I'd end by holding none.

It takes t...Read more of this...
by Frost, Robert

...t the hazy range that you folks need,
    Nothin' we kin see to take your eye.
  Yet we got to watch you or you'd all stampede,
    Plungin' down some 'royo bank to die.

    _So--o, now, for still the shadows stay;_
      _The moon is slow and steady;_
      _The sun comes when he's ready._
    _Hee--ya, tammalalleday!_
      _No use runnin' out to meet the mornin'._

  Cows and men are foolish when the light grows dim,
    Dreamin' of a land too far to see.
  T...Read more of this...
by Clark, Badger
 of all cabins - 
All night above me
 Thuds a smithy of feet.
All night,
 stirring the ceiling’s calm,
dancers stampede
 to a moaning motif:
Marquita my darling,
why won’t you,
why won’t you love me …”
But why
 Should marquita love me?!
I have
 no francs to spare.
And Marquita
 (at the slightest wink!)
for a hundred francs
 she’d be brought to your room.
The sum’s not large - 
 just live for show - 
 you highbrow,
 rufflin...Read more of this...
by Mayakovsky, Vladimir
...grass-frayed edge, 
while the few sheep pastured there go "Baaa, baaa." 
(Sometimes, frightened by aeroplanes, they stampede 
and fall over into the sea or onto the rocks.) 
The silken water is weaving and weaving, 
disappearing under the mist equally in all directions, 
lifted and penetrated now and then 
by one shag's dripping serpent-neck, 
and somewhere the mist incorporates the pulse, 
rapid but unurgent, of a motor boat. 

The same mist hangs in thin layers ...Read more of this...
by Bishop, Elizabeth
...on the hike...
We found new tactics happening each day: 
We'd cut through reins and rider with the pike
And stampede cattle into infantry, 
Then retreat through hedges where cavalry must be thrown.
Until... on Vinegar Hill... the final conclave.
Terraced thousands died, shaking scythes at cannon.
The hillside blushed, soaked in our broken wave.
They buried us without shroud or coffin
And in August... the barley g...Read more of this...
by Heaney, Seamus

...old hero-trees to the ground with a crash!
Hear the breakers' deepening roar, 
Driven like a herd of cattle
In the wild stampede of battle, 
Trampling, trampling, trampling, to overwhelm the shore! 

Is it the end of all?
Will the land crumble and fall? 
Nay, for a voice replies 
Out of the hidden skies, 
"Thus far, O sea, shalt thou go, 
So long, O wind, shalt thou blow: 
Return to your bounds and cease, 
And let the earth have peace!" 

O Music, lead the way--
The stormy ni...Read more of this...
by Dyke, Henry Van
So all you lads of eighty odd
Take my advice - you'll never rue it:
Be quite prepared to meet your God,
But don't stampede yourselves to do it.
Just cultivate a sober gait;
Don't emulate the lively conger;
No need to race, slow down the pace,
Go easy, Pals - you'll linger longer....Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
...the White;
The Nordenscold for love of gold I piked from morn till night;
Afar and near for many a year I led the wild stampede,
Until I guessed that all my quest was vanity and greed.

"Then came I to a land I knew no man had ever seen,
A haggard land, forlornly spanned by mountains lank and lean;
The nitchies said 'twas full of dread, of smoke and fiery breath,
And no man dare put foot in there for fear of pain and death.

"But I was made all unafraid, so, careless...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
...ind a man an awful crank
That's staked out nigh three hundred claims, and every one a blank;
That's followed every fool stampede, and seen the rise and fall
Of camps where men got gold in chunks and he got none at all;
That's prospected a bit of ground and sold it for a song
To see it yield a fortune to some fool that came along;
That's sunk a dozen bed-rock holes, and not a speck in sight,
Yet sees them take a million from the claims to left and right?
Now aren't things like...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William

The fire broke out on the stage, about eight o'clock,
Which gave to the audience a very fearful shock;
Then a stampede ensued, and a rush was made pell-mell,
And in the crush, trying to get out, many people fell. 

The stage flies took fire owing to the gas
Not having room enough by them to pass;
And with his jacket Mr. Macaulay tried to put out the flame,
But oh! horrible to relate, it was all in vain. 

Detective Innes, who was passing at the time of t...Read more of this...
by McGonagall, William Topaz

"Bad medicine!" cried Old Tom, the One-eyed, an' made for to jump in the lake;
But no one gave heed to his little stampede, so he guessed he had made a mistake.
Then Roll-in-the-Mud, a chief of the blood, observed in choice Chippewayan:
"You've brought us canned beef, an' it's now my belief that this here's a case of canned man."

Well, though I'm not strong on the Dago in song, that sure got me goin' for fair.
There was Crusoe an' Scotty, an' Ma'am Shoeman ...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
 I grins perlitely and declines wiv thanks.
Go, let 'em plaster every blighted wall,
 'Ere's ONE they don't stampede into the ranks.
Them politicians with their greasy ways;
 Them empire-grabbers -- fight for 'em? No fear!
I've seen this mess a-comin' from the days
 Of Algyserious and Aggydear:
 I've felt me passion rise and swell,
 But . . . wot the 'ell, Bill? Wot the 'ell?

Sez I: My Country? Mine? I likes their cheek.
 Me mud-bespattered by...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Stampede poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things